Part 12

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TW: Cutting...I suppose it's more of a metion of cutting but yeah

“Are you ok?”

I reached up wiping his tears away, “Yeah I’m fine. Oliver and Allie talked with me.”

“I’m glad you’re ok but who?”

“Oliver is Thomas’s fear or the orange side as the fanders call him. Allie is E’s fear, she’s a friend.”

“Hey princey.”

“Hi, Allie correct?”


“Allie Fear so help me if you’re not here I will take your music away!”

“Hey Rose, shouldn’t you be helping E with the story?”

“I was sent to find you while Roselynn helps write the angst, hey princey, Jan, Oli, Come on Al.”

“Fine, bye guys!”

“Bye!” We waved as they sunk out, I turned back to Roman.

“You sure you’re ok? You're not hurt or anything?”

“I’m fine you have my gloves?”

“No Vee has them.”

“Alright, bye Oli.”

“See ya Janus, Roman.”

He left and we went back to the mind palace.

“Janus! Oh gosh are you ok? Don’t you dare do that again, do you know how scared I was!”

“Remus I’m fine, really. rid of the box.”

“I just have one question then you can have your gloves back.”

“Fine, what is it?”

“Do you still cut?”

“I do but don’t.”

“That’s not a straight answer.”

I sighed, “I did but two sides showed me that a certain side wouldn’t leave me and that, that side makes me happy, that I don’t need to cut to feel better.”

“So you’ve stopped?”

“Yes. I’ve stopped.”

“Alright here.”

I took my gloves and slipped them on.

“Come on mi amor, let’s leave these three to get ready for their date.”

Roman pulled me to his room and I curled back up in his side.

“Querido can I see your wrist?”

I rolled my sleeves up and stared at my arms.


Tears clouded my vision. Roman grabbed my hands and I felt him leave soft kisses to my wrist.

“Beautiful scars and scales. Hey don’t cry… It’s ok Janus I love you, every inch of you is perfect in my eyes.”

“Love you Roro.”

“Love you too Jan.”

A/N: Querido = Darling

Ok, hi, so if you haven't figured it out yet I am E. I have decided you guys (if you want) can call me E, author, or Jaunary (I know the last ones random but I like it). You have also met three of my sides, Allie (Fear), Rose ('good' creatvity), and Roselynn ('bad' creativity). Some of my other sides are in the orginal version of Broken Together...yeah. Anyway see you lovelies in the next update. Bye!

Mi Amor: A Sander Sides Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now