Part 7

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A/N: Short chapter today, next one will be longer

TW: Sad Roman, scenes from Putting Others First

Time Skip One Month (May 1st)

“J, it’s time to wake up.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Were filming today.”

“Alright  have fun I’ll be there when needed.”

I heard him sigh before a pair of lips connected with mine. I kissed back my arms going around his neck. He pulled away and my eyes opened

“Rrrooo I want kisses.” I pouted making grabby hands.

He laughed helping me to sit up, “You need to get up and ready first mi se levantó.”

“Fine.”  I got out of bed and snapped, changing as I walked into the bathroom to get ready. I came out stepping in front of Roman.


“Ok, ok.”

One of his hands cupped my face the other on my lower back.

“Is this ok?”

No, now shut up and kiss me.”

“Of course princess.”


I was cut off by his lips on mine. My arms moved around his neck pulling him closer. He pulled away, his thumb running across my scales. I leaned in closer to the touch. 

“I’d say let’s skip the video and cuddle but then you won’t get your point across and help Thomas.”

“Yeah you’re wrong, let’s go.”

He kisses my hand, “See you soon mi serpiente.”

He sunk out and I left to the viewing room.

“Oh, Logan, Remus I knew you were going to be here.”

“Salutations Janus, I’ve informed Remus of our plan. I hope that’s alright.”

“It’s terrible thank you. Remus are you ok with what I don’t say?”

“Of course JJ, I know you don’t mean it.”

“Ok,” I nodded, “I didn’t want to make sure.”

Time Skip End Of Video

“Thomas I thought I was your hero?”

“Y-you are.”

I nodded my head at Roman showing that Thomas was telling the truth.

“Wow! Did you forget that he’s evil, you’re not or you’re not suppose to be. You’re supposed to be good, you can’t-”

“Roman, everything’s going to be ok kiddo. We love you.”


Roman sank out looking heartbroken.


A/N: mi se levantó = My rose
mi serpiente = My snake

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