Part 5

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Janus's Pov

"Hello mi querido serpiente."

"Goodbye Roman."

"I was told we were playing Twister."

"Not Remus's idea."

"Where is he?"

"Getting Logan."

He twirled me around, "Dinner, my room at five o'clock next friday."

"I'll be there between four forty and five."


"Dee, Ro let's go!"

"Coming Re! Come on Jack the Fiber."

Time Skip Next Friday

I knocked on the red and gold door at four fifty. The door opened and Roman pulled me in the room twirling me around before pulling me to his chest. I was facing away from him, his arm in front of my chest, his hand holding my right hand.

"Your ten minutes early mi amor." He purred in my ear.

"I didn't say between four forty and five."

"True," He spun me to face him, "Now how about dinner."

I nodded and let him pull me to a table in the middle of the room. He pulled out my chair and I sat down. He sat across from me and lifted the lid off the silver platter. One bowl had mashed potatoes and the other meatballs and gravy.

"Did you make this?"

"I had a little help from Logan but otherwise yes, yes I did make this."

"I'll have to give my thanks to the main chef next time I see him." I smirked while dishing some food.

Offended princey noises.

"How dare you, I slaved all day over this meal and this is the thanks I get."

I laughed a little at his dramaticness, "Thank you Roman."

He laughed, "It's no problem, mi querido selevantó."

We talked while we ate and after desert he dragged me over to his bed. Snapping his fingers the table disappeared and the Jungle Book was on. We sat next to each other, I had my head on his shoulder. I felt his arm snake around my waist pulling me closer. After the movie he moved to sit in front of me. I looked at him confused as he took my hands in his.

"Ro what's wrong?"

"I-I need to ask you something."

"What's up?"

"I understand if you're not ready or interested but I want to take our relationship to the next level. What I'm trying to say is, Janus will you be my boyfriend?"

"I want to Roman really I do but," I looked down, "I'm scared..."

He lifted my head up to look at him, "Of what?"

"I don't know if you remember this side as it was before the split but I was in a relationship with Insanity...he faded. I'm scared to be in another relationship just to be heartbroken again..."

"Janus I promise I'm not going anywhere. I understand if you need more time but I will always be here for you I promise."

I took a deep breath as he wiped the tears I didn't know had fallen.

"I want to try...I want to be your boyfriend."

He planted a kiss on my forehead, "We'll do things at your pace ok. If you want or need to slow down just tell me ok?"

"Ok. But we don't have to go slow."

"Alright but tell me if I do something you're not comfortable with."

"I will."

"Do you want to watch another movie amor?"


A/N: Mi querdio serpienete = My darling snake

Mi querdio selevantó = My darling rose

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