Chapter 1: Strangers

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CLUTCHING ON her swiss knife, she ventured out of her hide out, backpack clinging to her back. She was on a supply run. It has been two months since the outbreak happened. Two months of sleepless nights, two months of surviving alone, two months since those monsters took everything. Quietly running and hiding, she stumbles into a convenient store. Crouching, YN quickly grabbed food and a few water bottles, accidentally dropping one. Clank! It smacked down the floor loudly. Soon, she heard the groans of the walkers, slowly approaching the sound. "Shit. Who was that?!" Someone muttered. YN tensed. 'A survivor?! What if they'll kill me?!' She thoughtas she backed away slowly. *bump* she found her back getting in contact with someone.

She looked behind her and found an olive haired man, he puts his hand over her mouth before she could scream. "Sh." He says, gesturing to the Walker passing by. She nods and the olive haired man protectively ushers her behind him. Thud! YN bumped into a shelf, knocking everything down and attracting all the zombies. "Shit!" A raven haired boy yelled as he stood up. He made eye contact with YN and immediately grabbed her hand, running out the store. "Come on!" He says sprinting. A jumper suddenly plunges itself towards the ravenette and YN, but the olive haired man smacked it away with his bat. Thwack!  It fell down lifeless. We continued to sprint, and later, two other men came running with us. "What happened?!" The brunette yelled. "Made a big noise." The olive man replied hastily. Soon, they made a turn and ran even faster towards the a school. 'How fast can these guys run!?' YN thought. Eventually they got to the gate and slammed it shut, preventing the zombies from entering. Heavily breathing, everyone was trying to recover after all that running.

"Hey are you alright?" The brunette asked, reaching his hand out, helping YN stand. "Y-yeah, are you guys okay?" She asked hesitantly. "You almost got us killed." The salty blonde boy spat as he walked pass her, purposely bumping on her shoulder. "Tch, what a baby." The ravenette said, rolling his eyes and following the blonde. "Sorry about them. Im Oikawa!" He said smiling brightly at the girl. "LN." She replied. "Well LN, we should get inside, everyone else is there." He says.

Climbing towards the second floor, we entered a classroom, there was a huge table in the middle, the other tables and chairs were moved towards the back of the classroom. There, the men that saved you stood. YN approaches the olive haired man, noticing her presence, he raised his eyebrow. "Thanks for saving me." YN says gratefully. He nods lightly and picks up his bat, cleaning it. "What's your name?" She asks. "Ushijima." He replies. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Ushijima-san." She says bowing and walking away. "LN-chan! Let me introduce you to the others!" Oikawa says, pulling her towards the ravenette. "Kageyama, LN. LN, Kageyama." Oikawa introduces. Kageyama nods at YN and YN nods back awkwardly. "What's in your bag?" Kageyama asks. "O-oh, its some stuff i grabbed from the store." She stutters. "Great, atleast your not useless." Kageyama says, cleaning his crowbar. "Okaayy.. lets go to the megane!"Oikawa says, holding YN's shoulders and steering her away from Kageyama. "Tsukishima-san~!" Oikawa sings. Tsukishima glares at both YN and Oikawa. "If it isn't the troublesome chibi, here to cause some more trouble huh chibi-chan?" Tsukishima mocks. "I just wanted to know your name." She says. "Tsukishima Kei. Now go away." He says grunting. "Calm your horsies lamppost!" Oikawa says, sticking out his tongue mockingly and once again, steering YN away. "Sorry bout them. Theres some other people gonna come here soon. Don't worry there are girls here too!" Oikawa says, smiling reassuringly. "O-okay." She stutters, and settles down on near the table at the middle of the room.

"Hey guys, how was the supply---run..?" A white haired male enters the room and makes eye contact with YN. "Not succesful, made a big fuss. But LN here had some stuff with her so we'll be okay for a few weeks." Oikawa explains. "Ah, alright good. Its nice to meet ya LN-san. Im Suga!" He says smiling reassuringly. "N-nice to meet you.." she stutters nervously. Soon after their introduction, some other people started to enter the room.

Kenma stopped in his tracks, he and YN made eye contact. Running towards her, YN and Kenma embraced eachother. "Omg, YN.." Kenma muttered, burying his face into her hair. Oikawa stared awkwardly. Ushijima and Kageyama glanced at eachother weirdly and Tsukishima could careless. Sugawara clears his throat awkwardly. Kenma turns around, YN still in his arms. "S-shes my cousin.." He says. "How come i've never heard of her?" A black haired male asked. "Cause you never listen, Kuroo." Kenma says, glaring at Kuroo. "Excuse me, are we gonna ignore the fact that she just came out of no where?" A beautiful girl intervenes. "Kiyoko-san?" Suga beckons her to continue. "What if shes infected?" Kiyoko says glaring at YN. YN shivered at her intense gaze. Kenma protectively puts YN behind his back. "Infection takes place after 5 minutes and shes been her for more than that." Ushijima chimes in. "But! What if shes one of those half-deads!" Kiyoko insists. "K-Kiyoko-san, i don't think we have to be so suspicious about her." A short blonde haired girl stutters. "Shut up, Yachi." Kiyoko spat. Yachi backs away slightly. "Why are you acting like a superior? Last time i checked you went on your knees and begged us to let you stay." Tsukishima says. "U-um." YN stutters. "Yeah, what's so wrong with having LN around?" Oikawa protests. "I have to agree with Kiyoko on this." Kuroo says. "U-um excuse me." YN stutters again. "Guys be quiet, LN has something to say." Suga says, pulling YN into view. "U-um, before we got here, i got some food and water, i-if you let me stay, i promise i won't be a burden, i-i'll help with whatever. W-will you let me stay?" She asks, bowing at them.

"You expect me to believe that?"


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