Chapter 8: Chase

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YACHI'S DISAPPEARANCE took a toll on everyone, especially Kiyoko. She was more agitated and suspicious around everyone, mostly towards YN.

Everyone startes to look around for clues, wether or not Yachi had ran away, alas, they found none and assumed the worst. Kiyoko was idenial, but who wouldn't be? Her bestfriend just suddenly disappeared.

Chewing on the bread lightly, YN's thoughts were all over the place. "YN? Can i ask you a favor?" Suga calls out. "Hmm? Oh sure." YN says, snapping out of her trance. "Ushijima left the ropes downstairs, can you go get them?" Suga asks politely. "Its okay if you don't want to, ill try asking someone els--" YN cuts him off. "Its okay, ill do it, everyone else is busy with patrols and stuff." She says, waving him off.

Strolling down the steps, YN couldn't help but feel anxious, the first floor was scary, and she has never been here on her own. She followed Suga's directions and halfway there, she felt a presence behind her. Her necked snapped behind her and she found the shadowy figure, running towards her from the end of the hall way.

Freaked out, she ran as fast as she could and entered a room, slammig the door shut. The figure started to banng on the door and rattle the knob. Knowing that the  door wont stay closed for long, YN searched at her surroundings and found a long piece of rope, grabbing a chair, she managed to block of the door using the rope and the chair.

Quickly she hid inside the cleaning closet inside the classroom as she waited for the thing to go away. Soon the banging stopped and the figure's footsteps started to walkaway. Immediately, YN ran out amd scrambled her way to the second floor, only to bump into Tsukishima.

"What are you--" Tsukishima cut himself off as he sees her trembling figure, fear was in her eyes and her knees were barely supporting her body.

Catching her, he felt her body go limp against him as she breathes heavily. "Thabk god your here." She mumbled. "What happened?" Tsukishima asks in concern. "Something chased me. I-i dont know what it was b-but.." She sniffles. "Shh. Calm down, tell me about it later. I'll bring you back to your room." Tsukishima says, taking YN and carries her on his back. "Okay.. Thank you." She mumbles.

Suga was petrified when he saw Tsukishima carry a barely-concious YN on his back. "What happened to her?!" Suga exclaimed in fear. "I don't know, she was running away from something, and i doubt it was a zombie." Tsukishima informs. Suga's face darkens. "Okay, i'll go with Ushijima down there." Suga says and Tsukishima nods at the idea.

Tsukishima lays YN on her bed, she had passed out. "What's wrong with you?" Tsukishima mumbles as he carresses her hair. Scanning her face, he thought 'how could someone so pretty cause a lot of problems?'. He let out an audible 'tch' and stood up, exiting her room. "It must be the face then." Tsukishima says, closing her door.

Meanwhile, Kiyoko shivered as she found a diary in Yachi's room. The contents made her shiver, but it was evidence that Yachi did not run away. Kiyoko gripped on the diary tightly and decided not to share this to anyone. 'I can't trust anybody'


Stirring awake, YN stood up from here bed, only to be greeted by a pair of golden eyes. "Jesus, how long have you been there?" YN exclaims. "I just got here. I brought you dinner." Tsukishima lied expertly. He had been there for an hour. "Oh, thanks.." YN mumbles as he takes the cheese burger and the water from Tsuki. Nom  she bit into it.

"So, are you going to tell me about it?" Tsukishima asks. YN visibly tensed but nodded. Tsukishima deserved an explanation. "Something chased me down there, i don't know if it was a zombie, it was really quiet and fast." YN explains as best as she could. Knowing that YN was still shaken from the recent events, Tsukishima decided not to question her and just listen. "This is the second time, Kuroo was there at the first--" Tsukishima cut her off. "Wait, this happened before?!" Tsukishima exclaimed, taking YN's shoulders.

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Tsukishima whiser-yelled at her. "Kuroo said that we couldn't trust anyone." YN mumbled. Kuroo had a point. Tsukishima calmed down, "im sorry for that outburst." Tsukishima apologizes. "Its okay, i half-expected for you to react that way." YN says, chuckling slightly. YN rubs her eyes tiredly. "Please tell us if something happens? Atleast tell me?" Tsukishima begs.

"Okay" YN gives in, sighing. Tsukishima breathes out in relief. "Okay, now come on. Enough being useless and get up. Its your turn to check the storage." Tsukishima says, dusting off his pants.

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