Chapter 7: Yachi

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THE MORNING came and YN awoke from her slumber. Dark bags rested underneath her eyes, she couldn't help it, she was overthinking things. She rubbed her face and combed through the nest of her hair. She wasn't feeling any better.

Knock! Knock!  The sound rang through her ears. She stood up to open the door, and was greeted Ushijima, waiting patiently at the door. "Breakfast time." He says. YN forces a smile on her face and nods, exiting her room and following the tall man. "Are you alright?" Ushijima asks, noticing the bags underneath her eyes. She nods a little, "yeah, i just couldn't sleep that well last night." She says, rubbing her neck. "If you want, you can sleep through the afternoon. I'll tell them not to bother you." Ushijima offers. "N-no no, it's okay, i'll be fine." YN says, reassuring the boy. "Whatever you say." He says, shrugging and opening the door for her.

Something felt off while they were eating breakfast. It was quiet. YN glanced at Kiyoko, and found her worriedly looking at the door, as though she was expecting someone to bust in.


ageyama enters the room, apparently he was doing some morning patrols. "Have you guys seen Yachi? She wasn't there during morning patrol." Kageyama asks. That's when YN realized that Kiyoko was looking for Yachi. "W-what do you mean she wasn't there?" Kiyoko asks. "Exactly what i said. She. Wasn't. There." Kageyama says. "That can't be right. Did you check her room?" Suga asks. "No. It was locked." Kageyama replies. "Okay, we totally have to check it out." Kuroo says standing up.

Everyone stood at Yachi's door, as they banged and knocked and yelled for her name. The lack of response was starting to scare everyone, especially Kiyoko. Soon, they tried breaking down the door.

Busting it open, it revealed Yachi's room. The futon was there, but the blankets were gone, and there was no sign of Yachi's things in the room. The window was wide open and the chairs were disarranged. "What the fuck?" Kuroo says out loud. Kenma, being the protective cousin, takes YN in his embrace. "Did she.. " Oikawa trails off. "..Run away?" Tsukishima finishes. "Kageyama, come with me to the storage room. Everybody else, i need you all to stay in the meeting room." Suga commands as He and Kageyama rush to the storage room.

"You." Kiyoko says, grabing YN's attention. "Yachi would never run away. YOU DID THIS!" Kiyoko yells, almost jumping unto YN, but Kuroo and Oikawa holds her back. Kenma hugs YN tightly. "I KNOW IT WAS YOU! STOP ACTING INNOCENT AND SPEAK UP BITCH!" Kiyoko yells, struggling in Kuroo's and Oikawa's grip. "I'll put her in her room" Kuroo says, carrying the yelling Kiyoko away from YN.

"So, someone has taken stuff from out rations. It's possible that Yachi ran away." Suga explains. YN found herself staring at the ground. She felt sad, angry, guilty. Ever since she came along, they've started experiencing so many problems. Suga kept talking but YN payed no attention as her mind started to cloud with grief and sadness. "Look up. If you had nothing to do with this then it's not your fault." Tsukishima says, he was seated beside her. YN looks up at Tsukishima. He wasn't looking at her but YN felt very comforted by his words and started to listen to what Suga was saying. "We don't have a choice but to continue without her. But, if we find something wrong about this, we will investigate further. For now, i'd like you all to rest. And i call whenever theres something more that we need to discuss." Suga says, ending the meeting. "Hey, want some company?" Kenma asks YN. She nods at this and the two enter Yn's room.

Sobs emitted from Kiyoko's room. She can't believe it. Yachi wouldn't run away! She was safer in here... Kiyoko kept repeating in her head. She refused to believe that Yachi would ever do such a thing. And she knew that noone would believe her, so she put matters into her own hands.

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