Chapter 4: Patrol

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OIKAWA SMILED at her words. He was happy to hear her choose him without hesitation. And now they were walking towards the exit, YN looks at Oikawa and notices the serene look on Oikawa's face. His soft chocolate hair sat elegantly on his head, his eyes were twinkling and his face shined in the moonlight. YN felt breathless as she stared at the beautiful man beside her. Only then has she noticed how tall and intimidating he looked. "Is there something on my face?" Oikawa asks, noticing how much she was staring. YN's face turns red in embarrassment and she looks away. "N-no, theres nothing." She says meekly. Now it was Oikawa's turn to stare. He watched as her cheeks tainted red and her eyes avoiding his gaze. He chuckled alittle as they continued to walk towards the exit.

"So our job is to check around these walls for cracks. Tell me if you see anything out of the ordinary." Oikawa explains. The two spilt up and checks the walls. YN looks at the walls intently, making sure to be thorough. She accidentally steps at something and it snaps in half. She looks down, and to her horror, it was a bloody bone.

She yelped and backed away. "What's wrong?" Oikawa asks, rushing to her aid. "I-i just saw a bone." She says, breathing heavily, trying to calm herself. Oikawa notices something in the bush behind the bone. Something shiny. Oikawa approaches it cautiously, and picks it up. "What's that?" YN whispers. "It's a key."

"YN i need you to dome a favor." Oikawa says, holding her shoulders. "I want you to keep the key, but before the meeting tomorrow, give me the key, and i'll be he one to address it to everyone." Oikawa says. He requested this to YN so that no suspicion would go over her. He knows that Kiyoko would start saying 'YN probably planted it there!' And 'YN's probably planning to ambush and kill us!' And what not, YN knew this as well. So, she nodded without question. Oikawa smiled a little a pat her head. "Okay here, lets head inside. Its probably dinner time." Oikawa says, handing her the key. They walk side by side, re-entering the school.

"H-hi YN. How was patrol?" Yachi approaches YN. Kiyoko lets out an audible 'tch' as she sees the short blonde approaches what Kiyoko calls 'a sad excuse of a woman'. "It was okay, i got creeped out when i saw a bone hiding in the bushes." YN says shivering. "Gross. By the way, im sorry about Kiyoko, she has serious trust issues." Yachi says, fiddling with her fingers. "Its okay, don't worry about it, i totally understand." YN says, patting the girl's shoulder. "O-okay, lets eat dinner!" Yachi says, shyly. (YN eats sour-cream and onion flavored chips!) "Ugh this cream bread tastes weird." Kageyama complains. "Then don't eat it, dumbass." Tsukishima says. "Ha? What did you say to me?" Kageyama says angrily. YN takes a piece of the bread and eats it. "Hey!" Kageyama yells. "It tastes fine to me. Want some of mine instead?" YN asks. Kageyama's eyes widen and his cheeks turn pink. "U-um no--" before he could finish, YN drops a few pieces unto his hand. "Try it." She says, smiling. "Oh? The king is flustered." Tsukishima remarks. "Shut up, dinosaur." Kageyama says, finally agreeing to share food with YN.

YN found herself unable to sleep, fiddling with the key on her hands, her thoughts drifted towards her house. Oh,how she missed her room, she missed her mom, she missed her home. She felt the waters start to prick the sides of her eyes. She wiped her face with the sleeve of her jacket,as the tears start to flow down her face. Finally, after 2 months, YN felt the dam inside her break as she sobbed silently, and the tears fell uncontrollably.

After calming down, she still felt awake, so she decides to check out the second floor, possibly run into someone. She slid her door open and stepped into the hallway. She was met with those blueberry eyes, his raven hair was messy and his eyes were red. YN stood stunned. Was he crying? "Are you okay?" YN asked. Kageyama looks away and doesn't answer her question. "are YOU okay?" Kageyama asks as well. "Want to talk?" YN suggests. Kageyama freezes. 'Talk? Im not good with talking.' Kageyama thought. But a sudden urge inside him bubble excitedly and told him to say yes. "I actually needed someone to talk to anyways. Are you up for it?" YN asks shyly. Kageyama stares at the girl. Her hair covered her face a little. But he could see clearly, her cheeks were damp, her eyes were swollen and her pretty nose was rosy red. Kageyama nods, but keeps his mouth shut, he didn't trust himself to say anything. And so, they entered her room, and settled down at the chairs near the window, they sat side by side. "Why were you crying..?" Kageyama asks. "I miss my home." YN says. "I miss the hearty breakfasts my mom makes, i miss my cat, berry, i miss my room, i miss my life." YN says, trembling. Kageyama felt his heart heavy. "Me too." He says, breathing out. Subconciously, Kageyama takes her hand and let his thumb rub her knuckles in a comforting manner. YN felt comfortable around Kageyama. She knew he wasn't good with words, but his actions made YN feel calm and comforted. She leaned her head against his shoulder, holding his hand tighter, and silently, they both sobbed and comforted eachother throughout most of the night. Soon, Kageyama had to leave, knowing that if he slept in her room, it would look weird in the morning. "Goodnight. Thank you for that, Kageyama." She says, smiling at him. "Goodnight." He says, his lips perk into a small smile and he closes her door and walks to his own. He slept soundly, the heavy weight on his shoulders were lifted and he was thankful for that.


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