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THEY GATHERED in the rooftop. The shock was immeasurable. Kenma laid lifeless, skull split open, with an innocent little flower sitting there.

YN covered her mouth as she silently gagged at the sight. Kenma was dead. She felt the tears brim in her eyes.

She felt a scarf wrap around her neck. She looked up and saw Ushijima had put it there. Ushijima rubs her back in reasurrance. "Everyone, we need to leave immediately." Oikawa announced, acting as a leader. Everyone agreed to this, even though they were scared of the situation, they gathered all their things, ready to leave. "YN." Ushijima called out. "..yeah?" She asked gently.

"Something doesn't seem right. Please stick with me." Ushijima says. YN was scared but she trusted Ushijima. "Okay. I will." YN says, making Ushijima smile a little.

Soon they made their way down to the first floor.

"Oikawa, where's Suga?" Kageyama asked. "Huh? Oh. He said he would recheck the classrooms." Oikawa replied. YN stood by Ushijima's side. Her hands shook in fear, Ushijima notices that and holds her hand, squeezing it in reassurance.

As they waited for their leader, they were surprised when the speaker roared to life, singing a sinisterly sweet tune.

Panic rose into their systems as Ushijima gripped YN's hand tightly. Zombies smashed themselves into the windows. "IN THE CLASSROOM COME ON!" Oikawa yelled. But before Ushijima and YN could rush over, zombies blocked their way.

"We'll find another way!" Ushijima yelled as he ran the opposite direction, still holding YN's hand.

Ushijima slams the door open into the middle building, and slamming it shut afterwards. Surprisingly, the middleschool building had nothing in it. No zombies, no nothing lurking around.

"Ushijima what.. what is the meaning of this?!" YN whisper-yelled, gesturing to the empty and safe middle school building. "Suga said it was dangerous here, but i knew that this was the strongest part of the school. I thought it was best to keep it to myself. But i regret it now." Ushijima said angrily as he baricaded the door.

"W-what about the others?" YN said panically. "They have a chance to escape, since the zombies attention went to us. And what we need to do is get to the back gate. Its the safest route towards Shiratorizawa right now." Ushijima explained as he stepped away from the door, that was barricaded tightly.

"That should hold them for awhile. We need to go." Ushijima says as he offers his hand to YN. "Will you trust me?" Ushijima asked, abit of hesitance in his voice. YN was hesitant too, but if she could depend on anyone, it would be Ushijima. YN takes Ushijima's hand, "with my life." YN said.

Ushijima and YN ran quietly towards a classroom. He pops a window open and there the back gate was. There were no zombies around so it was the perfect moment for them to go.

They stealthily approached the gate, to their luck, no walkers were near the gate. They opened it, making a loud noise, attracting zombies from afar. "Crap. We need to run." Ushijima said as he started running, YN trailing behind him.

The zombies were quite far so YN and Ushijima were able to find a hiding spot. They panted as the zombies passed by. They stayed in the building they were hiding at. "Ushi...Sugawara was the traitor wasn't he?" YN said quietly. "I suppose so." Ushijima answered, his hand clenched. YN puts her hand over Ushijima's. "It's not your fault." YN assured.

For a few days, YN and Ushijima transfered from building to building, slowly making their way to the safe haven, and soon they did get there. "Wakatoshi?! Y-Your alive!" A red head exclaimed. Ushijima shook a little, YN lets go of Ushijima's hand. "T-Tendo..!" Ushijima exclaimed as the two hugged eachother. "Thank god your alive..!" Tendo says, hugging back.

As the two let go eachother from their embrace, Tendo looks over at YN. "O-oh hey! You were with Wakatoshi right?" Tendo asked hesitantly. "Yeah. This is YN, we survived together.


YN was a little sketchy over Tendo, but it would be rude not to reply. "N-nice to meet you Tendo." YN offers to shake his hand. "Like wise." Tendo says, shaking her hand.

Throughout their days in the safe haven, they were unable tp find their friends, but YN truly believed they could be alive, somewhere.


Sugawara sits on the rooftop, he watched as Ushijima and YN ran out of the back gate safely. Suga pulled on his hair. "FUCKING USHIJIMA HAD TO RUIN EVERYTHING" Suga punches the wall, making a dent. Tears dripped down his eyes. "I just wanted YN.. shes the only thing.. that..." Sugawara sobbed, not minding the zombies that would soon breakdown the rooftop door.


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