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Brooke Swan played by Amanda Seyfried

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Brooke Swan played by Amanda Seyfried


Brooke Swan sat in Granny's and the door opened, she saw a shadow beside her and looked to see the mayor, Regina Mills, of Storybrooke standing beside her, "Madam Mayor, how can I help you this evening?" Brooke asked as she sips her cinnamon cocoa.

"Where's Henry?" Regina asked.

"What do you mean? He isn't home with you?" Brooke questioned turning to her.

"No, he's not home and Graham is looking around town," Regina said, "You're telling me you haven't seen him?!"

"No I haven't," Brooke stood up, pulling on her leather jacket, "I'll join Graham looking around... Please, Regina, call me if he comes home... I'll look around the places we go when I babysit him and then I'll turn up to yours, I'll let everyone know as well."

"Please, find him," Regina said looking at Brooke pleading, "I know you don't know much about family... But I know you care for him, please... Find my boy."

"I'll try my best Regina... You have my personal cell number don't you?" Brooke asked.

"Yes," Regina nodded.

"Call me when you think of a place to look, can't have Graham on the cell and driving," Brooke said and looked at the elderly lady who owns the diner, "Granny, I left the money on the counter for my cocoa, thank you," She said and rushed out of the diner.

Brooke ran around their usual places, his castle, ice cream parlour, shopping centre, park and more. She kept coming up empty and her phone rang, she answered placing the phone to her ear, "Regina? Have you found him?" She asked.

"He's back, he wants to see you before he goes to sleep... I think he wants to apologise," Regina said and hung up.

Brooke took a deep breath and rushed to the mayors home, she knocked on the door, "Regina?!" She shouted and Graham opened the door, letting her in. Brooke walked in and Graham nodded upstairs, she glanced at Regina who reluctantly nodded. Brooke went upstairs and into Henry's room, "Henry?" She called out.

"Brooke!" Henry ran to her and hugged her, "I'm sorry I scared you. I didn't think my mom would call you and have you look for me as well... Brooke, I found your sister, she's downstairs with my mom... Emma Swan."

Brooke hugged Henry back, "It's okay Henry, your home now," She said and knelt down, "What do you mean my sister?" She asked in a whisper, "Oh... You mean Snow White's eldest daughter?"

"Yes," Henry smiled at her, "Please... Meet her, she's with my mom... Go, before she leaves."

"Okay kiddo, go to sleep you look exhausted," She said with a smile and ruffled up his hair before going downstairs to Regina and an unfamiliar blonde in Regina's office, "Sorry to barge in Madam Mayor... Henry's going to sleep now, he's just exhausted."

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now