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Emma and Brooke were in Emma's car looking for Mary Margaret. The twins were looking around as Emma drove them down a road, the town covered in a fog so it made it more difficult for the twins to see anything.

Suddenly, they saw a man walking on the road, "Emma!" Brooke warned and Emma gasped swerving the car out of the way of the man as he jumped out of the way, tumbling down a hill.

"Oh crap!" Emma said and they quickly got out of her yellow bug and they go to the hill, to see the man climbing back up.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I didn't see you there," Emma said as she helped the man up.

"I uh, think so," He said to her.

"Are you sure?" Brooke asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just not used to sharing the road with cars so late," The man said and looked at the badge on Emma's pants, "You're the sheriff, aren't you?" He asked.

"Yeah and this is my deputy," Emma said, gesturing to Brooke.

"What brings you out here in the middle of the night?" The man asked.

"Oh, nothing to worry about..." Brooke said.

"We are just looking for a lost dog," Emma lied.

"Well, I hope you find it," The man chuckled.

"Thank you," The twins said together.

The man started walking away but he was limping, "You're hurt," Brooke said and walked to him.

The man turned to them, "No, I just twisted my ankle, I think. I live just a mile down the road, I will make it okay," He told them.

"No, let me drive you... I insist," Emma said, feeling guilty that the man got hurt.

"Hmm... Thank you... Name's Jefferson," He said and shook the twin's hands.

"Emma," Emma said.

"Brooke," Brooke answered him.

They walked back to the car, Brooke helped Jefferson into the car. She noticed something off about his limp but didn't mention anything in case she was overthinking it.

Emma drives them to Jefferson's home which was more like a mansion, "Wow, this is your house? It looks more like a hotel, you must have a huge family," Emma commented as they got out of the car.

"No, it's just me," Jefferson told them as he limped up the steps to him home.

Emma turned off the engine, "Here... Wait," She said and rushed over, then began to him get up the stairs.

Brooke followed them into his home, Jefferson led them to the living room as he went into the kitchen. He came back with a tray, three teacups and a teapot, "Here we go," He puts it on the table, "I thought you might want to warm yourselves up for your search," He said as he poured the twins cups of tea.

"That is kind of you, but I think I should get back to it," Emma said as she started drinking the tea.

"I know, that's why I brought this as well," Jefferson said and rolled out a map onto the table, "I'm a bit of an amateur cartographer, mapping the area is a hobby of mine. Maybe this will help you track down your dog," Jefferson said.

"Thank you," Brooke said and walked to the map with her sister as she drunk some of her tea.

"What's his name?" Jefferson asked.

"Spot," Emma smiled at Jefferson slightly.

Jefferson chuckled, "Cute."

"Well," Emma started as she was looking at the map, "Route 6 runs the boundary of the forest, so if we just follow that, we should... Be able to..." Emma said as she began to feel dizzy, "B...Brooke?"

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now