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Brooke woke up the next day and got ready for the day ahead, she walked down and headed to the bathroom brushed her teeth and did her morning routine.

Brooke walked out of the bathroom and looked at Mary Margaret, "I'll see you later Mary Margaret, have a good day at work," She said as she left heading to the diner.

The blonde walked into the diner and saw Emma at the counter. Brooke walked over to her and sat on the stool beside her, "Morning Emma," She said and looked at Ruby, "Bacon sandwich and caramel latte to go please," She said.

"Coming up," Ruby said and went to the kitchen.

"Morning Brooke, did you talk to Dr Whale... Or whatever he's called?" Emma asked.

"I did, he will see us whenever we can arrive... He's very flexible with his timings... It's rather strange," Brooke said as Ruby placed Brooke's orders down.

Ruby placed cinnamon cocoa in front of Emma, "Hmm... I didn't order this," Emma said looking at Ruby.

"Yeah, I know...You have an admirer," Ruby told her and went off to do her work.

Emma turned to see Graham sitting in a booth, she turned to Brooke and took the cup and walked over to him, "Emma?" Brooke followed her, she felt like she wanted to be near Emma for some reason.

"Ah, so you decided to stay," Graham said and looked at them, "You both do look alike."

"Observant is an important job for a cop," Emma said looking at him suspiciously.

"It's good news for our tourist business... It's bad for our local signage," Graham said sipping his coffee.

"What tourist business? I've been here 10 years and the only newbie is Emma since me," Brooke said and took a bite of her sandwich.

"Exactly," Graham said and looks at Emma glaring at him, "It was a joke because you ran over out sign..."

"You ran over the sign, when?" Brooke asked worriedly.

"I... Went for a drive last night," Emma admitted and looked at the hot cocoa, "Look, the cocoa was a nice gesture, and I am impressed that you guess that I like cinnamon on my chocolate, 'cause most people don't, but I am not here to flirt, so thank you, but no, thank you," Emma told him as she placed the cup on his table.

"I didn't send it," Graham told her.

"I did," Henry said and we all looked at him, in the booth besides Graham's. He slid out of the booth and stood beside Brooke, "I like cinnamon, too... So does Brooke."

"Don't you have school?" Emma and Brooke asked him in unison.

"Duh... I'm 10... Walk me," Henry grinned at them.

"Doesn't Regina do that?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah but I told her I'll go by myself today," Henry said.

The three of them left the diner and walked down the street together, "So what's the deal with you and your mom?" Emma asked, looking down at Henry.

"It's not about us... It's about her curse... We have to break it... Luckily, I have a plan... Step one identification... I call it Operation Cobra," Henry grinned at the two adults.

"Cobra? That has nothing to do with fairy tales..." Emma looked at Brooke, "Do you know about this?"

"I was the first person he told... He showed me his book and cobra has nothing to do with fairy tales, so I believe it's a good code name," Brooke said.

"Exactly!" Henry said looking at Emma, "It'll throw the queen off the trail."

"So, everyone here is a fairy tale character but they just don't know it?" Emma asked then pointed between herself and Brooke, "And we're daughters of Snow White and Prince Charming?"

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now