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Brooke and Mary Margaret were sat in Granny's diner, waiting for Emma as Mary Margaret wanted to talk to them both about something. The two of them saw Emma talking to August before she walked in.

"Who was that?" Mary Margaret asked, very interested.

"I don't know yet," Emma said and sat opposite them.

"Yet? So you're going to find out?" Brooke asked.

"It's nothing?" Emma said.

"Nothing with you means something, because if it were nothing, we wouldn't be talking about it," Mary Margaret said proudly.

"So true," Brooke said and looked at Emma, "So, what he say?"

"He's taking me for a drink tonight because I have to make sure he's good for my sister," Emma said then looked at Mary Margaret, "I'm sorry, I thought you called us here to talk about you," Emma said.

"Yeah I know, but talking about you two is easier right now," Mary Margaret said with guilt all over her face.

"What's going on?" The twins asked.

"Remember when you both told me to stay away from David and I agreed?" Mary Margaret whispered to him.

"Yeah," They said in a whisper and nod.

"I didn't," She replied in a whisper.

"We know," They said.

"You do, how?" Mary Margaret said.

"Because I'm the sheriff and you are a lovesick school teacher," Emma said.

"Covering your tracks is not exactly your strong suit," Brooke said.

"I've been dis..." Mary Margaret said loud but stopped before whispering again, "Discreet."

"Two teacups in the sink," Brooke said.

"New perfume, late nights" Emma added.

"Plunging necklines," Brooke added

"It's not hard to connect the dots," Emma finished.

Mary Margaret looked down at her chest then at them, "Plunging?" She asked.

"When we met you, you were a top button kind of girl," Brooke said.

"Then... They why didn't you two say anything?" She asked.

"We aren't your mother," Brooke said.

"No... According to Henry, I'm yours," Mary Margaret said.

Brooke looked at Emma, "You told her?" She asked.

"Yeah, you were working I think," Emma said, "She said we have her chin," Emma said jokingly.

Brooke turned to Mary Margaret, "We just figured that you would let us know when it was time... Assuming it's time?" Brooke pressed.

"He's telling Kathryn," Mary Margaret said.

"Everything?" Brooke asked.

"Everything," Mary Margaret nodded.

Later that day, Brooke was in her office and Kathryn barged in shocking the younger Swan, "Kathryn?" She looked up to see her crying, "I... I need to talk to a girl... Please?" She asked.

"O...of course," Brooke walked to her sofa's with Kathryn and they sat down, "Tell me everything."

"David told me he doesn't love me anymore and he wants to split," Kathryn said and Brooke listened to her. Kathryn told her that David told her that it was just his feelings for her weren't there anymore but nothing about Mary Margaret. She went one to tell Brooke that she visited Regina who told her about the affair that Mary Margaret and David had been having. Kathryn admitted to slapping Mary Margaret in school.

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now