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Brooke and Emma rushed with the doctors and they wheeled Henry into a hospital room, "Henry, can you hear me? Come on, Henry. Wake up, please, come on, Henry. Come on, you can do it," Emma said.

"There's no pupil response, what happened? Did he fall, hit his head?" Dr Whale asked the twins.

Emma held up the turnover that was now in a plastic bag, "He ate this, I think it's poisoned," Emma told him

Dr Whale checked inside Henry's mouth but saw nothing to say it was poison, "Did he voice any convulsion or disorientation?" He asked.

"He took a bite of this and then he just collapsed, so run the test for arsenic or bleach or Drano or whatever could've done this to him!" Emma said loudly our of nerves.

"The boy isn't showing any symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins, so whatever's going on, this is not the culprit," Dr Whale said.

"Well, what else could it be?" Brooke asked panting.

"I don't know, that's what I'm trying to find out," Dr Whale said.

"He's okay to be okay right?" Emma asked.

"Right now we just need to stabilise him, because he's slipping away. Is there anything else that you remember, any little detail?" Dr Whale asked.

"We've already told you everything!" Emma said frustrated.

"Do something!" Brooke snapped.

"Look, I understand you both are frustrated. I do, but I need something to treat and right now there is no explanation, it's like..." Dr Whale started but sighed.

Brooke looked at Emma, "Like magic," She whispered.

Emma emptied Henry's bag on a bed and picked up the storybook. Brooke watched as she froze and Regina walked in, "Where is he? Where's my son?" Regina asked the doctors.

"You did this," The twins said and Emma, grabbed Regina's arm, dragging her to the janitor's closet with Brooke behind. Emma pushed Regina into shelves then Brooke grabbed Regina and pushed her against a locker, "You did this!" They repeat.

"What the hell are you doing?! Stop this! My son!" Regina struggled against Brooke.

"Is sick because of you!" Emma said.

"That apple turnover you gave her, he ate it... Sleeping curse, am I right?" Brooke questioned.

Regina looked horrified, "What?" Brooke backed up, "It was meant for the two of you!"

"It's true..." Emma said.

"What are you talking about? Sleeping curse?" Regina acted innocent.

Brooke slapped Regina across the face, "You tried to poison us, like our mother!?" She asked.

Regina held her face and nodded, "Yes..." Her voice started to break.

"I was leaving town, why couldn't you just leave things alone?" Emma asked as tears fell.

"Because as long as the two of you are alive, Henry will never be mine!" Regina said.

"He'll never be anyone's unless you fix this. You wake him up!" Emma said angrily.

"I can't!" Regina yelled.

"Don't you have magic?!" Emma asked.

"That was the last of it... It was supposed to put you two to sleep!" Regina said.

"What's it going to do to him?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. The magic here is unpredictable," Regina said.

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now