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Brooke was following Emma's car and suddenly stopped when Emma's car swerved off the road. She sped up to the car and open the passenger's door, "What the hell?!" She took off her helmet.

"Please! Please don't make me leave!" Henry pleaded to them, "Everything's here, me, your parents, your family, Please Emma, Brooke. They need you, your family needs you," Henry pleased.

"He's right Emma... Even if... They are our friends, we can't abandon them," Brooke said looking at her sister.

"Why do you have to be right?" Emma asked and started the engine again.

"Because I'm related to you," Brooke winked at Henry and put her helmet back on and followed Emma back into town.

Brooke and Emma walked back into their apartment with their bags, "Thought you both left," Mary Margaret said annoyed.

"Mary Margaret..." Emma looked at her.

"But I couldn't tell for sure because you didn't bother to say good-bye to me... Unlike your sister," Mary Margaret held up the note then read it out, "Mary Margaret, I'm sorry, we won't be here in the morning or maybe, never again. Emma wants to leave and I can't leave her. I can't be without my blood. I'll miss you so much, never stop following your heart. Love, Brooke," Mary Margaret looked at the twins.

"Mary Margaret... I'm sorry," Brooke said.

"Do you remember when I left? When I ran, what you said to me? You said, we have to stick together, that we're like... Family," Mary Margaret said looking at Emma.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left," Emma said, "I shouldn't have dragged Brooke into this."

"And so why, after everything, did you just go?" Mary Margaret asked angrily.

"I don't want to be sheriff. I don't want people relying on me. I don't want this, any of it," Emma said.

Brooke walked to Mary Margaret, "What about Henry?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I took him with us," Emma said.

"You abducted him?!" Mary Margaret asked shocked.

"Maybe..." Emma and Brooke said.

"So you don't want people to rely on you, but you took your son?" Mary Margaret asked annoyed, "Now that sounds like a stable home for him. What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"I want what's best for him," Emma said.

"And running is what's best for him? Or is that what's best for you?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Emma..." Brooke went to her and held her hands, "You're reverting back into the person you were before you got here. Before you found your family," Brooke said, "Before you found me and Henry."

"You thought wrong," Emma said looking at Brooke.

"Regardless, you... We have to do what's right for Henry," Brooke said, "We are family, blood and loyalty," She looked at Mary Margaret, "Do what's right by Henry."

"What's that?" Emma asked.

"Oh, we don't know," Mary Margaret said.

"You're his mother," Brooke said.

"That's your job, so you figure it out," Mary Margaret said.

Brooke looked at Mary Margaret then at Emma, "We staying?" Brooke asked.

"I need to think," Emma said and went to the sofa.

"I'm just going to visit someone.. Won't be long," Brook said and made her way to the B&B and sees Henry, "Looks like we both had the same idea."

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now