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It had been a few days since Emma and Brooke began looking for proof that Regina was framing Mary Margaret. Brooke told Emma the conversation she heard between Gold and Regina, which Emma believed instantly. During the few days, Emma and Brooke found out that the office was bugged, so they finally had proof that Regina was behind the setup. When Emma and Brooke confronted Sydney at the diner, they soon found Kathryn, alive, behind the diner. Which meant Mary Margaret was allowed to go home.

Brooke and Emma went to visit Kathryn in the hospital, the twins found out that all she remembered was that she was in a car accident, the airbag went off and afterwards, she was in a dark basement. She didn't see anyone, only that they kept her fed, water and possibly drugged as the doctors found traces of drugs in her system.

Later that day, Emma and Brooke held a welcome home party for Mary Margaret. Brooke was sat with August and Emma, "Hey," Brooke said and looked at Henry, "We need to talk," She said, "Cobra."

Henry looked at her, "Everything okay, is it, Emma?" Henry asked.

Brooke looked at August then Henry, "Emma is fine," She said.

"August... Knows..." Henry says.

"Okay," Brooke said and smiled, "I believe, thoroughly, I believe it, everything," She said.

"But, Emma still..." Henry said.

"She still needs some time," Brooke said, "How long have we got left?"

"Not long... Not for me anyway," August said.

"What do you mean?" Brooke asked looking at him.

"He's turning to wood," Henry whispered.

"Pinocchio?" Brooke whispered looking at August and he nodded.

August looked at Mary Margaret then Henry, "There she is, why don't you give her your gift, while I talk to Brooke about something," He said.

"Okay," Henry hugged Brooke, "Thank you for believing me," He whispered before going to Mary Margaret.

August sat beside Brooke, "What made you believe?" He asked.

"Jefferson, Gold and Regina," She said, "Gold called Regina Your Majesty, and Jefferson was too informed for it to be from Henry's thoughts," Brooke told her.

"I see, so what are you going to do about your sister?" August asked.

"I don't think that there is anything I can do, it's Henry but with our guidance," Brooke said and August agreed.

"Henry, we got to get you home before your mom finds out," Emma said.

Brooke looked up, "Can I tag along?" She asked.

"Sure," Emma and Henry said.

Brooke stands up, "See ya August," She smiled and walked to the door with Emma and Henry.

Emma opened the door and David was there ready to knock on the door. The twins told David that he'd have to give Mary Margaret time due to him not believing her when she needed him the most. Emma got David to take Henry back home.

Brooke shut the door, "Hard to let him go, isn't it? Your son," Gold said.

Brooke looked at Mr Gold before going to Mary Margaret, "Hey, you okay?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I just... It's just that I believed he didn't do it, so did he believe I did?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I don't know, in your own time you can forgive me," Brooke said, "He deserves to worry."

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now