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Due to Kathryn's disappearance, Emma had brought David in for questioning, as the last phone call Kathryn had was with David and it was rather unexplained. Due to now having much on David, Emma had to let David go, but informed him to get himself a lawyer, just in case.

Later that night, August had invited Brooke out for a drink in Granny's. Brooke walked into Granny's and saw Ruby talking to August, "You can't be serious, a whole year without a roof over your head?" Ruby questioned.

"Well, you get used to it... Plus I had the motorcycle, so if I didn't like a place after a while," August said and made a whooshing sound and he moved his arm, letting her know he'd leave a place he didn't like.

"Ruby," Granny called out.

Ruby sighed and ignored her, "I've never been out of Storybrooke, what was your favourite place?" She asked.

"Nepal, best people. They have these prayer temples that are carved into mountains that are overrun with lemurs," August told her and turned around when the door shut, "There you are," He said.

"Here I am," Brooke said with a smile and her and Ruby hugged, "You okay Ruby?"

"Yeah," Ruby nodded, "Usual?"

"Yeah, whenever you're ready," Brooke said, feeling a little awkward.

Ruby looked at August then Brooke, "What's a lemur?" She asked.

"Ruby!" Granny yelled from the counter.

"Just give me a sec!" Ruby yelled back at her Granny.

Brooke's eyes widened and August glanced at Brooke before looking at Ruby, "They're little animals, yeah, and they have these eyes that reflect light, so at night, it looks like they glow," He told her and Ruby smiled.

"Ruby! Stop flirting and get over here!" Granny yelled again and knocked on the counter, Ruby walked away to Granny.

"Sorry about that," August said to Brooke.

"It's okay, I felt like I was interrupting," Brooke told him.

"Never," He smiled at her.

"Is this a punishment for talking to that guy?" Ruby asked Granny and August and Brooke went silent.

"If I wanted to punish you, I'd have better reasons... For one thing, you were late, for another thing, Liza, you dress like a drag queen during fleet week," Granny said to Ruby.

"And you dress like Norman Bates when he dresses like Norman Bates's mother," Ruby tried to insult.

Brooke and August both tried not to laugh at Ruby's remark, they looked at each other. Brooke almost let out a laugh but controlled it.

"Ruby, you're a grown woman... You can't keep acting like some kid," Granny said to her.

"You just want me to act like you until I turn into you. Well, I am not a fossil yet, Granny. I...I...I should be out there having adventures with lemurs," Ruby said.

Brooke raised her eyebrows at August who shrugged, "Well, as long as you work here, you are going to listen to me," Granny told Ruby.

"I didn't ask to work here," Ruby confronted her.

"Well, then what's keeping ya?" Granny asked.

"Nothing, I quit!" Ruby said and stormed out.

Brooke looked at August and looked disappointed, "What?" He asked.

"Lemurs?" She questioned.

"It was the truth," He said and she nodded slowly, "I mean it, it was... Come on, what will you have to drink?" He asked.

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now