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Brooke and Emma knew something was going on with Mary Margaret, she seemed to have changed over the past couple of days. Emma walked to Brooke after Mary Margaret had left, "How long do we leave it?" Emma asked.

"Give it 20, we shall walk slowly to the diner," Brooke said.

"Alright," The twins put their jackets on.

Emma and Brooke made their way to Granny's when they walked in they saw Mary Margaret and David next to each other, but on separate tables. The twins joined Mary Margaret, "Hey David," They said in unison.

"Hey," He nodded to him.

The twins sat down with Margaret, "Mary Margaret, so, how's your day going?" Emma asked and they took a fry odd her plate.

"Henry's fine," Mary Margaret told Emma and smiled, "You know have got the twin thing down, with the whole talking in unison."

"That's not what I asked you and I guess we do," Emma answered.

"Emma..." Brooke looked at her with Mary Margaret.

"You're sure he's okay?" Emma gave in and asked.

"Really... He's his normal self, Regina won't keep you both separated forever," Mary Margaret told her, "When people are supposed to be together, they find a way."

"Yeah, so he's his normal self, he's fine, he's happy?" Emma asked her nervously.

"Yes," Mary Margaret asked without thinking, her eyes widened when Emma frowned, "No... He misses you a lot trust me, I'm with him, like, six hours a day," Mary Margaret said.

"Six hours?" They hear a familiar voice and look over to see Ashley handing her baby to Granny, "You take newborns? As I'd love six hours off," She said and walked over, pulling a chair over and sitting in the way of David and Mary Margaret seeing each other without realising it.

"Ashley, I didn't even recognise you," Mary Margaret said.

"Oh, baby on the outside?" Ashley smiled.

"How's it going?" Emma asked.

"It's... It's... I mean, the baby's great but we haven't had time to do the whole getting married thing so that's been rough and Sean's been working double shifts at the cannery, as I've told Brooke who's been helping me," Ashley said.

"Well, he has to work," Mary Margaret said.

"On Valentine's day? Yeah... He couldn't get out of it," Ashley said.

"I'm sorry, that sucks," Emma said.

"Ashley, like I've said... Everything will work out, right now Sean is the only one who can provide income support. He's doing the best he can for you both," Brooke said with a smile, "But it doesn't have to suck though."

"Yeah, come out with us," Ruby said standing behind Brooke, "Let's have a girls' night... We can all go, Mary Margaret, Emma, too, if you leave the badge at home like your sister leaves her brain," Ruby laughed a little as Brooke rolled her eyes.

"I'm not really in the party mood, but you guys can all go and have fun," Emma said.

"Are you sure?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah, I'm still on my right now so it'll be hard if I'm drunk... And right now, I'm not in the mood," Emma said.

"I understand," Brooke said and squeezed her sister's hand.

Emma's phone buzzed and she looked at it, "It's the station, something's up," She said and stood up, leaving the diner.

Ashley looked at Brooke, "Brooke, do you have time later?" She asked.

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now