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"Brooke! Brooke!" She woke up with a jolt and walked downstairs from her room, her arms wrapped around her baby blanket. She saw Emma and Mary Margaret standing there, "I hope you don't mind Brooke, but I've invited Emma to stay with us," Mary Margaret said from the kitchen then looked up to see Brooke hugging her blanket, "Brooke..."

"It's your home Mary Margaret, whoever you allow in is your business," Brooke smiled a little and looked at Emma, "Hey..."

"Hey..." Emma said and looked at the blanket, "That's... That's like mine," Emma walked over, "May I?" She held her hand out and Brooke slowly placed the blanket in Emma's hand. Emma looked at it, "It's the same, but Brooklyn... Instead on Emma... Brooklyn... Full name?" Emma looked at Brooke.

"Yeah," She smiled and nodded, "I feel like it's a mouthful and I prefer Brooke," Brooke told her and the two blondes sit at the bar counter as Mary Margaret makes the two blonde a drink.

"So... Would you read to John Doe?" Emma asked Mary Margaret.

"You want me to read to a coma patient?" Mary Margaret asked placing two mugs down with cinnamon on the whipped cream.

"Cinnamon?" Emma questioned confused.

"Sorry, it's a little quirk of ours, do you mind?" Mary Margaret asked.

"No, of course not," Emma said with a small smile, "And Henry thinks it will help him remember who he was," Emma told her.

"And who does he think he was?"Mary Margaret asked.

"Prince Charming," The blonde answer together.

"And if I'm Snow White... He thinks me and him," Mary Margaret said, processing the information.

"He has a very active imagination, which is the point... I can't talk him out of his beliefs, so we need to show him," Emma said.

"So you want me to play along?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Yes... Do what he says, and then maybe, just maybe..." Emma answered looking at Mary Margaret, almost pleading her to go along with it.

He'll see that fairy tales are just that... That there's no such thing as love at first sight or a first kiss... He'll see reality, without us hurting him," Mary Margaret said, agreeing to the plan.

"That's what matters most," Brooke said.

"I told him that we will all meet tomorrow for breakfast at Granny's and you will give a full report," Emma told them both as she placed the large fairy tale book in front of Mary Margaret.

"Well, I suppose I'll get ready for my date... I guess I'll have to do all the talking," Mary Margaret said and walked to her room shutting the door.


Emma, Brooke and Mary Margaret meet Henry at Granny's diner in the morning. Henry joins the adults, "Here," He handed a shirt to Emma.

"Thanks," Emma took it and walked off to the restroom to change into the shirt.

Emma walked back to them and sat beside Henry, Henry looked at Mary Margaret, "Where does Regina think you are?" Brooke asked.

"Playing whac-a-mole," Henry told her.

"And she bought that?" Emma asked, shocked.

"She wants to believe it, so she does," Henry shrugged and looked at Mary Margaret, "So?"

"He woke up," Mary Margaret answered.

"What?" Emma said, shocked.

"I knew it," Henry said with a smile.

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now