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It had been a few weeks since Henry and Archie were trapped in the mining tunnel and two weeks since Graham had a heart attack, no one knew the reason behind his heart attack. Brooke was home with Mary Margaret and Emma was with him when it happened. During the day, Graham was convinced he was the Huntsman from the Enchanted Forest and that he remembered everything from his past. Emma and Brooke had found out that Graham and Regina had been sleeping together, whenever Brooke babysat Henry, Graham and Regina were at Graham's. Emma didn't believe him about him being the Huntsman, or the fairy tales being trapped in Maine but Brooke was starting to process everything Henry had been saying for years to her.

"Brooke, can you come with me to Mr Gold's shop?" Emma asked and Brooke nodded.

The twins made their way to the pawnbroker's shop, "Emma are you okay?" Brooke asked.

"I'm okay, I just... I just need to keep busy," Emma said.

"Okay, why are we going to Mr Gold?" Brooke asked.

"He called the station and wanted us there," Emma said as they walk into the shop, "Gold? You in here?" Emma called out.

"Well, it is my shop," They hear his voice from the backroom.

The twins walk into the back and are hit with a horrible smell, "Whoa... What is that?" Brooke asked.

"Oh, this is lanolin, it is commonly used for waterproofing," Mr Gold told them.

"Smells like livestock," The twins say.

"Well, it is the reason why sheep's wool repels water," Mr Gold added.

"It sticks," Emma said scrunching up her nose, "If there's a reason why you called the sheriff's station if you want to talk about it quickly or outside," Emma added.

"Yes," He stood up and they walked into the shop, "I just wanted to express my condolences... The sheriff was a good man..." Gold said and looked at the deputy badge that was on Emma pants, "You're still wearing the deputy's badge..." He said and Emma looked at her badge, "Well, he's been gone two weeks now and I believe that after two weeks of acting as sheriff, the job becomes yours... You'll have to wear the real badge," Mr Gold told her.

"Yeah, well... I'm not in a hurry, so... Thank you for the kind words," Emma said and they turned to leave.

"I have his things," Mr Gold said and the twins looked at him, "The sheriff, he rented an apartment that I own, another reason for my call... I wanted to offer you both a keepsake."

"I don't need anything," Emma said.

"As you wish... I'll give them to Mayor Mills, it seems like she was the closest thing he had to family," Mr Gold told them.

"Doubt that," The twins said walking towards him.

"No love lost there, I see," He said, "Look I fear that all of this stuff is headed directly for the trash bin... You really should take something, look, his jacket," Mr Gold said holding the jacket.

"No," Emma shook her head.

Mr Gold looked at Brooke, "Brooke... You love leather," He said and offered it to her.

"T...Thank you," She said and took it, putting it on.

"Suits you," Gold said with a small smile and looked in the box, "Oh," He got out three walkie talkie, "Your boy and nephew might like these, don't you think, you could play together and bond."

"I live with Emma and they are awful when they are near each other," Brooke said.

"What if you move out... His apartment... Empty," Gold said knowing Brooke was trying to find somewhere for herself.

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now