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Emma had finally accepted Graham's offer of being the deputy. The three of them were in the station, getting everything set up for Emma but the town suddenly shook for a few seconds, "What's was that?" Emma asked and the phones rang.

Brooke picked up one of the phone, "Sheriff's station," She said and glanced at Graham, "The old mining tunnels, we'll be right there Madam Mayor," She hung up, "We need to go to the old mining tunnels, there was an explosion there and they need authority there now."

"Deputy, assistant, let's go," Graham said and they left the station, getting into the sheriff's car and Graham drove them to the old mining tunnels.

They get out of the car, "People of Storybrooke, don't be alarmed. We've always known this area was honeycombed with old mining tunnels but fear not. I'm going to undertake a project to make this area safe, to rehabilitate it into city use... We will bulldoze it, collapse it, pave it," Regina told everyone.

"Pave it? What if there's something down there?" Henry asked.

"Henry, what are you doing here?" Regina looked at her adopted son.

"What's down there?" Henry asked in a whisper to Regina.

"Nothing, now step back... In fact, everyone please step back," Regina said standing up straighter, "Thank you," She glanced at the ground and picked something up from the ground and placed it in her pocket.

Henry saw her, "What was that?" He whispered.

"Henry, enough... Listen, this is a safety issue, wait in the car," Regina said.

Henry goes into the car but comes back out again and stands with Emma and Brook. His name is called out and he turned around to see Archie, "Hey, Archie over here!" He called out and Archie walked over, "This requires all of Operation Cobra... All three of you," Henry said looking at the adults.

"I didn't realise I was in Operation Cobra," Archie said.

"Of course you are," Brooke said rolling her eyes.

"You know everything, we can't let her do this... What if there's something down there?" Henry questioned.

"They're just some old tunnels," Emma said.

"Old tunnels that are dangerous and you need to go to safety," Brooke said to Henry.

Henry looked up at the twins, "That just happen to collapse right after you both are united? You two are changing things, you're both weakening the curse."

"That's not what is happening here," Emma said.

"Yes, it is. Did you do anything different today, because something made this happen?" Henry asked her.

Emma thought for a moment before touching her deputy badge that was clipped onto her pants. Regina walked up, "Henry, I told you to wait in the car," Regina turned to Emma, "Miss Swan, this is a sheriff and town matter, get behind with the other townspeople."

"Actually I work for the town now," Emma said.

"She's the new deputy," Graham said.

"And they say that the Mayor is always the last to know," Regina said and looked at Brooke, "Weren't you trying to become a deputy?"

"Nope, if I did I couldn't watch Henry when you needed me to," Brooke smiled.

"Then, sheriff, deputy, assistant do your jobs and corner off this area," Regina said. Emma and Brooke cornered off the mine as the townspeople were told to go home.


The next day, Emma and Brooke were with Mary Margaret in the kitchen. Mary Margaret explained to the twins that she might have feelings with David, but she felt bad for liking him due to him being married to Kathryn.

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now