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Brooke was taking Mary Margaret's mug shot after they arrived at the station, "Please turn to the right," Brooke said.

"Brooke, this is a mistake, I didn't kill Kathryn," Mary Margaret said.

"Of course you didn't," Brooke said, "But while we are your friends, we also are sheriff and deputy, and we have to go where the evidence leads," Brooke told her.

"Which points to me? Brooke, yesterday it was David... There's not right here," Mary Margaret said.

"We know," Emma walked to them, "But your fingerprints were on that box and his were not, so now we have to deal with this," Emma said holding the paper with her fingers on it.

"Evidence that says I cut out Kathryn's heart and buried it in the woods? This is insane," Mary Margaret said.

Brooke sighed, "Mary Margaret, if we don't book you with all this evidence, it will look like favouritism and then Regina will have cause to stop Emma seeing Henry and will fire us, then she'll bring in someone who will railroad you. Someone who is under her complete control," Brooke said.

"So, please, just try to be patient and trust us, we can't even move forward until we verify the heart that the heart belonged to Kathryn and we are still waiting for the DNA test results. In the meantime, please, you have to bear with us, we have to ask you a few questions," Emma said.

"This is crazy, I would never hurt anyone," Mary Margaret said with tears in her eyes.

"I know," Brooke said, "Please Mary Margaret, bear with us and we'll find out the truth."

Later that day, Brooke was sat with Regina as Emma brought in Mary Margaret, "What is she doing here?" Mary Margaret asked.

"She asked to be here, so we don't have poor judgement," Brooke said.

Emma and Brooke asked Mary Margaret questions and recorded everything. They found out that the box that the heart was in was indeed Mary Margaret's jewellery box but denied that she ever put a heart in it and that someone had stolen it from her.

Emma and Brooke went back to the apartment later in the day and were looking through the apartment, for a break-in of any kind. They both knew that Mary Margaret was innocent and they were looking for anything.

Henry walked into their apartment, "Hey," He called out.

"Henry," Emma said and looked at him.

"What are you doing here?" Brooke asked him, "Why aren't you at school?"

"We have to help Miss Blanchard," Henry told them.

"We are helping her, that's why we're searching the apartment," Brooke said and went back to searching.

"You gotta go home," Emma said to Henry.

"Not going to happen," Henry said.

"Just stay out of the way," Emma told him.

Brooke continued to look through the apartment with Emma as Emma and Henry talked about what they were looking for.

Just as they were about to give up, they heard banging that was coming from the air vents. They walked to the air vent in Mary Margaret's room, Emma opened the vent and reached down inside before pulling out something wrapped up in a rag.

"What's that?" Brooke knelt beside her sister.

Emma unwrapped the object to reveal a knife, "Oh my god," Brooke whispered.

"It can't be true," Henry said.

"Henry, you need to go home, Brooke we need to talk to Mary Margaret," Emma said to Henry, "Please."

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now