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Brooke sat at Granny's typing on her laptop in the morning, she noticed Mary Margaret rushing in and removing her jacket and scarf. Brooke smiled as she watching Mary Margaret checking the time before sitting down and checking herself in the reflection in the spoon.

David walked in and went to counter, ordering a coffee. Brooke watched David look at Mary Margaret before leaving with a coffee.

Brooke picked up her laptop and coffee and sat in the booth next to Mary Margaret as Emma walked in and sat in front of Mary Margaret, "This is building a volcano?" Emma asked.

"This is making a volcano? Since when?" Brooke asked with an amused smile.

Mary Margaret looked between them both, "I was..." She started.

"We get it," Emma said and looked at her.

"He comes here every morning at 7:15 am to get coffee," Mary Margaret said.

"For him and his wife," Brooke said and turned her body to them.

"I know, I know, I know... I just like to come here to see him," Mary Margaret told them.

"So you're a stalker?" Emma questioned raising her brows.

"No, not really," Mary Margaret said and Emma and Brooke looked at each other, "Maybe a little bit and it's not like I'm following him. I just know that he spends his mornings with Kathryn, gets his coffee, then drives to the animal shelter to start work at 7:30 and then he's home around 5 pm," Mary Margaret told them.

Brooke laughed a little, "Is that all?" She asked.

"Thursdays they pick up Chinese for dinner, I can't get him out my head," Mary Margaret told them.

"I know, but maybe the first step is not showing up here tomorrow," Emma said and Brooke agrees.

"Love is the worst, I wish there was a magic cure," Mary Margaret said.

"Even if there was, would it help?" Brooke asked, "I can't imagine you without love."


Brooke was in her office setting up an online website and advertisements. There was a knock at her door, "Come in!" She called out knowing it wouldn't be a client as she hasn't started yet so it was either family or Archie, and Henry and Emma walk in, "Hey you two, what's up?" She asked.

"There's a stranger in town," Henry said rushing to his aunt, "There's a stranger!"

"Easy kiddo," Brooke said and turned to him, "What do you mean?"

"You know no one can enter Storybrooke but you and Emma and me?" Henry asked and Brooke nodded, "A stranger is here, someone I don't know."

"Come with me to Granny's?" Emma asked.

"Give me a few minutes," Brooke said and continued to finish her website. She logged out and stood up, putting her jacket on, "Ready, sorry I needed to finish setting myself up," She said.

"That's fine, we'll drop Henry off and go to Granny's," Emma said.

After the twins dropped Henry off at Regina's they headed to Granny's. Emma noticed the stranger and whispered to Brooke, "That's him," She said, "Can you start a conversation with him?"

"Sure," She nodded and walked over, "Hey," She smiled and the man looked up at her.

"Hi," He smiled her.

"You're new here right?" She asked.

"Just came today," He said.

"May I?" She gestured to the booth and he nodded, Brooke sat down and smiled, "Thank you, I've been here 10 years and he only new face has been my sister. We rarely see a newbie in this town."

Magic is Coming to Town [OUAT | Two Saviour Series #1]Where stories live. Discover now