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Italics (thought)

W-What happened, it's so dark, did I died....... OH HELL NO I AIN'T DYING TODAY!!! I opened my eyes and I was in an alley a dark one. Then I felt something on my shoulders I have my backpack. What I never packed anything in my backpack. I opened it and saw my phone and computer, this is getting strange.

Realized that I am on floor so I got up an walked out of the alley. Sunlight soon hit my face and many people passing by speaking a foreign language and strangely I understand what they are saying. Italian I must be in Italy then, but how? I then reached into my backpack and got my phone and check the date, ok so the year is 2001 an- WAIT A DAMM MINUTE 2001!!! HOW??? I WAS IN 2020 NOT 2001. I was confused and dazed as I was walking that I didn't see a person coming up to me.

My clumsy behind bumped into the person causing me to fall to the ground. GOOD JOB ROSALIE JUST START BUMPING INTO PEOPLE JUST PERFECT. "Singnora, are you alright I deeply apologise I didn't see you" the man helps me by reaching his hand with a familiar white with black dots sleeve.

"No it's fi-" Hold the phone their voice sounds familiar, I slowly look up and I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EYES, I WAS SEEING BRUNO FREAKING BUCCIARATI WAS IN FRONT OF ME. "O-oh i-it's alright I didn't see you too I was l-lost" WHY ARE YOU STUTTERING YOU IDIOT TALK NORMAL, BUT HOW CAN I BRUNO IS IN FRONT OF ME TALKING TO ME WITH HIS BEUTIFUL EY- " Signora are you alright you look so red?"

" Oh I'm fine it's nothing" I said too quickly Bruno looked at me confused but then smiled , OH GOD THAT SMILE MY HEART!!!! " Well my name is Bruno Bucciatati," " Rosalie Simons," I reached out my hand for a handshake which Bruno gladly accepted. " Well signora I know a great restaurant that I will gladly take you if you will like join?" Bruno asked

HELL YEAH I'LL JOIN YOU AND I WILL MEET THE WHOLE GANG, OH COUNT ME IN, " Yes I would love too" Bruno and I hook our arms and we started walking, while walking Bruno ask about me and I told him all about me but expect about me singing I want it to be a surprise. " Oh I forgot to to tell you but Rosalie is a beautiful name for a beutiful lady"

HE CALLED ME BEUTIFUL AHHH I'M GOING TO FAINT. "Thank you Buno I re-" suddenly we hear shouting and I smile because I know who they are,
Narancia and Fugo this day gets better and better. Bruno frown and apologize to my " My apologies my teammates are something else" " No it's ok my cousin and I are like that sometimes" He smiled and we walked into the restaurant. " What the hell are you guys doing, I could hear you all the way of the entrance." I couldn't help but giggle Bruno looked at me and smile and reached out his hand and held mine as he guide me to the front of the table.

" Everyone meet Rosalie Simons and she will be with us." Oh... My...GOD I'M SEE ALL OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS GIRONO, MISTA, ABBACCHIO, FUGO, NARANCIA ALL OF THEM HERE.

But all of them just starred at me and for Abbacchio he was glaring at me. This is going to be a very long day.

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