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We walked back to find fugo, Girono, and Abbacchio. " Where the hell have you been and why are you guys wet?!" Abbacchio shouted while glaring at us. " boy calm down we were looking for you guys what the hell happened to you guys y'all look like hell. Lastly this dumbass thought it would be funny to put ice cold water on me!" Izzy lied.

"Bitch calm down you said you was hot and said you wanted some water" I lied while smirking. God we are such good actors, " YEAH TO DRINK NOT TO BE WASTED IT'S LIKE THE ALS ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE," ( p.s R.I.P Peter frates) "Ummmm what is the ice bucket challenge," Fugo asked confused, " oh i-" " shut up we don't have time we need to change our wet ass clothes," Izzy said while walking to the truck.

I sighed and walked to the truck, all of a sudden I felt a hand grabbing my arm. I looked up and it was no other than Abbacchio, he leaned down to my ear and whisper in a stern voice. " look I don't what games you are trying to play but I know both of you are lying I will find out what you guys are doing and once I do both of you are going to pay." Lord please give me the strength to not punch this bastard in the face.

I looked at Abbacchio and said " you don't know anything about us and what we said was true you just want to get rid of us because your ass have trust issues ever since your partner di-" " DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT" Abbacchio shouted and his grip on my arm was tighter. " let her go now Abbacchio" I looked over and it was Girono and he looked mad as hell.

" or what what are you going to do," Abbacchio said " he's not going to do anything but I am." Abbacchio and I turned our heads and to see a shirtless Izzy holding velvet strings aiming at Abbacchio. Abbacchio glared at us before he let go of my arm and walked away.

" are you alright mia bella," Girono said while caressing my face, I smiled and said " I'm fine Girono but thanks now if you excuse me I'm going to change." I walked into the truck to change.

Girono P.O.V

Rosalie I know you are not a traitor I just know it. When I first met you I felt something like I never felt before for the first time I feel love. But if you are a traitor it will break my heart to do what I got to do as an order from the boss.

Nobody P.O.V

Few minutes later everyone was in the car, Izzy and I were sitting in the back with trish, Mista, and Fugo. " Rose, Izzy I just want to say that your outfit it's so beutiful" Trish said.

My outfit ( ignore the purse)

My outfit ( ignore the purse)

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My hairstyle

My hairstyle

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