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I was walking back to meet the other gang and saw Fugo and Abbachio talking and Abbachio saw me, and ran towards me and GGGGGGGIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRLLLLL he looked pissed as hell. AWWWW SHIT WHAT THE HELL IS HE GOING TO SAY OK ROSE JUST ENDURE WHAT HE HAS TO SA-, but my thoughts were interrupted by Abbachio hugging me, FREAKING ABBACHIO THE MAN WHO HAS TRUST ISSUE AND TRIED TO MAKE ME DRINK HIS OWN PISS IS HUGGING ME!!!!  " Dammit Rose  don't you ever leave us again did you know how I regret not protecting you, did you know how Girorno can't sleep every night because how he missed you." Abbachio said while hugging me tightly, " I-I m-missed y-you g-guys too but let go of me before you really kill me because lack of air" I said while gasping for air.

Abbachio let go of me and cup my cheeks and said something in my ear so no one  would hear him " You are important to me so don't leave me ever again promise me Rose"   Boy who are to tell me when to die and when not to die and I didn't even knew that the piece of shit was going to kill me with an arm going in my freaking stomach HOW THE FUCK DOSE HE EVEN DO THAT well this is anime and anything can happen, I sighed and looked at him and nodded my head and then he got up and walked away and then I smirked and said " I never knew that piss boy cared about me you do have a heart after all" " SHUT UP YOU BRAT" He shouted. " Hey Abbachio!" I shouted and he turned and looked at me " Don't worry I won't leave you guys ever again you got my back and I got yours we are family fright?" I said while smiling.

Abbachio smirked and chuckled and nodded and then walked away to the turtle, then I turned around an I saw him, Girorno, we stared at each other for a long time and Girorno walked up ton me with shocked in his eyes and said " Rose is that really you am I dreaming" Girorno was about to toughed my cheek but then Fugo smacked his hand away and wrapped his arms around my waist, " Do not touch her she is not yours anymore you broke her heart and remember she is not your mia bella anymore." Fugo said and we walked away, Girorno looked heartbroken and devastated Izzy ran up to by Girorno and shouted " ROSE THATS MESSED UP HOW CULD YOU DO MY BOY LIKE THAT ARE YOU EVEN LISENING TO ME!" 

Few Minutes Later

While Mista, Fugo and Naranchia were out riding the boat and the rest of us were inside in the the turtel and about how Trish reacted when I came to see her well lets just say she tackled me down with tears in her eyes and it was a very emotional moment, she kept saying how sorry she was and she was hoping that I could forgive her which I totally did. But back to the present we all sat down and I told them everything about the boss ( Diavolo) and the history of the arrow and how it was created while Izzy and I were telling everything about him and his back ground, they sat there listening in shock and disappointment about who the boss really is. " I see and you said that he is after the arrow is that right Izzy?" Bruno asked " Yes and he brought friends with him too to tried to stop us but while on the boat ride when Fugo and Rose saved me we made a plan to stopped these psycho paths and put an end of your father goals once and for all saving all of us from this hell hole." Bruno and got up and started to think and asked me.

" Rose do you know who will attack us first and where they will attack us from" Girorno asked but before I could answer Mista told Bruno that we arrived at the village and that they will check it out to see if any enemy is there so Izzy and I looked at each other and nodded. " Guys can you all get out the turtle and off the boat " Izzy said calmly " What the hell do you mean are you out of your mind!!" Abbachio shouted, " No the prefect word is crazy now get yall asses out of this damm boat right now" Izzy said sternly and they listened. Few minutes later we were out the boat and the gang looked at Izzy and me confused but before they could say anything I pulled out a small piece of chip and threw it on board and quickly said lets go to the gang.

Naranchia asked " Rose what the hell are you doi-" BOOOOOOOMMMMMMM the ship exploded and I looked at Izzy and said "Now Izzy" " You Got it sis" Izzy said and got velvet strings and shot two arrow and then we heard two grunts. The gang were shocked and ran to see what Izzy have shot at and ran with Izzy and I about 12 minutes later we were at the roof top and saw Secco and Ciccolata on the floor bleeding on the ground, Secco was immediately dead with an arrow with and eye, but Ciccolata arrow was on the throat and he was chocking blood. I walked up to him and stared at him and he looked at me and I said " how dose it feel do you feel scared or frighten or shocked, no you don't know what to feel because all you were worried  about which victims who you are going to kill, so this is what I have to say" I leaned to his ears and said " Enjoy hell" and with that he died. Everyone was quiet and shock about how we found the two enemy's already, then all of a sudden.

" GIIIIIRRRLLL THAT WAS SOO BAD ASS DAYUMMM BITCH" Izzy said and we high five each other and then all the other gangs congratulated us and we all walked back and me and Fugo were walking while holding hands then we heard Girorno calling my name. I turned around and he came unto me while holding my hands, " I don't care if you are with Fugo I will do everything I can to get you back to have you as mine I felt terrible for all the horrible things I said but you will always be mine" I held my tears and cupped his hand " That's all I need to hear because fugo and I aren't actually dating I just wanted to see if you care for me still" " BITCH WHHHHHAAATTTT SO YOU MADE ME LOOSE HALF OF MY BRAINCELL FOR YOUR STUPID SHIT" Izzy yelled.

But I ignore Izzy and I kissed  Girorno and he gladly kissed me backed and we pulled apart, " I love you Mia Bella" Girorno said and I smiled and said " I love you too" And we kissed again while we were kissing Izzy looked at Bruno and said " OH WHAT THE HELL" and jumped on Bruno and she kissed him and he held on to her thigh and kissed her too. " wow I did not see that coming" Abbachio said but Naranchia was hurt and shocked, Mista looked at Trish and said "wanna make out too?" he asked while smirking, but Trish slapped him and walked away, " worth the shot" he said while rubbing his cheek.



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