The boss

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"ROSE WAKE UP" I shot open my eyes and all I see is pinkish and orange sky and I was laying on a cloud. What kind of fuckery is this, I turned over and saw Izzy and crawled over to her.

" hey Izzy wake up are you ok?" I asked while lightly shaking her. Izzy slowly opened her eyes and looked at me and her surroundings, "where the hell are we, what happened?"

" well you could say that you are in my world honey and what happens was both of y'all got knocked the fuck out by Mista after both of you were busted" "HARMONIC!!" We both yelled in shocked. " got damm stop with all the yelling shit bout to make me deaf in my ears."

Then the was silence long one. Izzy and I remember what happened and for some reason we or I felt guilty and ashamed. " is this fucking it all that hard work for protecting the people who thought that were Bruno enemies. But when we got caught we became enemies to Bruno!" I shouted while sobbing, " because of what I did I made Izzy lost the love of her life, I lost the love of my life, and we lost our friends this is all my fault. We'll never stopped the boss and that son of a bitch will win"

I was on my knees crying I was hurt down to the bones I felt guilty for lying and betraying the people that trusted us and I just threw it away. " no it's not your fault." I looked up and saw Izzy with tears in her eyes and I was shocked, " you are Rosalie fucking Simons what you did was badass you are protecting the people from hurting each other. And we are not the traitor it's the boss so we will find a way to stop this fucker and we'll save both Bruno gang and la squada" Izzy quickly gave me a tight hug and cry.

"What about Bruno?" I said " it's ok if we don't work out then I'll always have archer from fate" Izzy said cheering me up I laughed and we hug one last time. We both got up and looked at Izzy with determination in our eyes. " alright harmonic wake us up we have a plan and it won't fail," harmonic smirk and walked up to us " alright honey what are we waiting for then let's get this party started."

With that Izzy and I black out, then suddenly I slowly lifted my eyes and see Bruno and Trish on the couch. Bruno was reading the rules of bringing trish to to boss, I tried to move and say something but then I realized I was tired up and had duck tape on my mouth again.

Got damm it not again why me god why me. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnngggggggggghhhhhhh!" I look over and Izzy was struggling to be free so I headbutted her so she can stop.



" stop with all that noise or do I have to make you shut up" we look up and saw that it was Bruno. Damm Bruno that's just cold. Izzy and I were quite until Bruno walk up to us and rip the tape out of my mouth and that shit hurt. " how long have you been working with la squada and what do you want from the boss?" Bruno asked in a serious tone.

However I didn't answer I just looked away from Bruno, but Bruno grabbed my face and made me look at him " stop testing me I'm done playing nice tell me everything about la squada and tell me now" Bruno said sternly.

" the boss it's all about the boss and it's loyalty but you don't really know him" I said in a serious tone to Bruno and then I looked over to Trish " What has you father ever done for you trish nothing he is not the man you think, do you know what he is playing to do with you once we arrived to our destination no you don't because all of you are idiots.!! You father never gave a damm about you as a matter a fact he never lov-"


I felt a sting and heat on my left cheek and I look up to see Bruno piss Izzy was mad and kicking and mumbling at Bruno. " don't you dare talk to about the boss like that, don't you dare talk to Trish like that you really are a scum I can't believe I let you in the gang in the first place. But it won't matter wr are here and you action will be justified" Bruno said while grabbing both of us.

Few minutes Bruno was talking to the gang while ignoring us they were to heartbroken and disappointed at us. Girono look at me then at Bruno and gave him is stashed "so what are we going to do with the traitors for what they have done and trouble they have caused us" " easy we'll bring the boss to them and he will handle them for their consequence."

They all look at us on last time and went back to their own business not even say how they feel and yelling at us. We were nothing to them. Bruno tugged us and we all walked not saying a word.

We walked inside the building and to the elevator Bruno looked at trish and she was terrified so Bruno pushed us into the elevator and told us to not moved. Few minutes later Bruno and Trish walked inside and held hands. Then the elevator started moving up.



Suddenly we look back to see trish gone and Bruno holding trish now bloody hand. Bruno looked at us with shock and guilt in his eyes. HARMONIC VIBRATO, I said in my head and she appeared and rip the ropes from both of us and we took our tape off.

" Rose Izzy I'm s-" " shut up Bruno now is not the time we need to save trish and stop the boss." I said Bruno nodded and we all got off the elevator and follow the man that was carrying trish. Then we all hid behind the pillar and thought of a plan but then

" leave while you still can Bucciatati Simons and Izzy" Bruno used sticky fingers to attack the boss but it failed I ran up to Trish to see if she is ok while Izzy and Bruno were looking for the boss. They both walked up to me and I saw Bruno on the phone with Girono.

I got up and walked to the pillar a look at Izzy and Bruno. " I know how to stop this bastard." Bruno looked at me with shock in his eyes " how rose" " my stand can immediately kill him b-"


I coughed up blood on my mouth and looked down to see an arm through my stomach. "You're really a fool to think that you will stop me and from my main goal. Simmons your mission has been determinated and cause your own life" then with that he pulled his arm out and was gone.

I feel on to the floor and my body felt cold and my heart was beating slowly I could barely speak. Tears was coming out my eyes. I'm sorry Izzy but the rest is up to you. I close my eyes hearing the last words.



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