all aboard pt.2

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I slowly opened my eyes on the couch and saw that I fell asleep with Girono who still had his hands wrapped around my waist. Girono was still sleeping along with Abbacchio and Fugo so I kiss his cheek sofly and then got up off the couch.

Izzy walked up to me and brought me water with many ice. I was confused at first but then realized it was to be prepared for prosciutto stand. " Thanks chibi chan." I smile before I took a drink, " your welcome but don't get your ass beat," Izzy said while drinking her water.

"So Rosa can you tell us about how you and Izzy met," " how about we not" Izzy said quickly. "Awww come on it's funny and be blessed that we are friends." " ok fine" Izzy grunted and sat on Bruno lap while he put her hands on her waist.

I giggle a little, "it all started kindergarten"

" ok honey when you get to kindergarten be nice to everyone and make lots of friends." My mother said " ok mommy I will," five year old me said.

Few minutes later all the kids were walking to their class and five year old me were walking over to sit on the chair. All of a sudden I felt a push but luckily I didn't fall, I looked up an I saw five year old Izzy. " how dare you sit in princess spot. " I'm sorry but who are you," I asked confused. " I am princess Izzy and you are just a mere pesent not get off my seat!" Izzy shouted and tugged my arm and then I did something that I will never forget because it was funny as hell.

I grabbed Izzy ponytail and then I YAGA it which made the ponytail fell off. This girl really wearing a ponytail wig. " AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH WHY DID YOU DO THAT MRS. WILSON!!!! MRS.WILSON

I on the other hand was laughing with the other kids in kindergarten while I was swinging the wig like a fucking rope. After the whole situation we were outside for recesse I saw Izzy sitting on the swings by herself, I walked to her and handed her ponytail wig. " I'm Rosalie Simons and I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude can we be friends." Izzy looked at me for a moment and smiled " I'm Izzy and sure I would love to be friends and I'm sorry I treated you badly, wanna be the princess sisters."


"HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU SNATCHED A PONYTAIL WIG THEY EVEN MADE THAT STUFF" Mista said while laughing his ass off. Izzy covered her face in embarrassment while Bruno was laughing behind her. " HAHAHAHHAHAH yeah that girl was being a spoiled bitch so I gave a taste of he-"

" what was that say it one more time Rose" we all stopped laughing and frozed I turned and saw that Narancia was fucking old as hell.



Izzy got off Bruno and walked over to me with a big bag full of ice. " look from what I can tell Rose,Bruno,Trish, Mista and I are still young, we all have ice cold water so here used this on yourself to make yourself look you and keep your skin hydrated." Izzy said.

I walked over to old Girono and knelt down in front of him and held his had and I smiled "don't worry Girono we'll fix this situation ok" Girono slowly lift his hands and cups his hands on my cheek. " go mia bella and be careful," I smiled and got up.

" Mista check and see what the hell is going on," Bruno said " got it" Mista said and he went out of the turtle. However mista was gone for a long time so Bruno got up to check but Izzy stopped him. this girl is really making a scene well let's see what she does.

" Bruno you can't go what if something happens to you, what if you get ki-" suddenly Buno lifted her chin and gave her a kiss on to of her head " OHHHHHH MMMMMYYYY GOD YES IZZY YES GET IT GIRL!!" I was shouting and jumping.

Buno hugged her and said everything will be alright and left the turtle. Izzy was shocked and didn't said anything so I snacked her head. " OWWW I'M BACK OK." " Ok stop lolly gagging we need to save Bruno now let's go"

Izzy and I went out of the turtle to find pesci knocked out so I shook his shoulder to wake him up. He opened his eyes and looked at me, " HEY you the girls fro-" "not right now use your stand to save your brother." Pecsi looked at us then use his stand and got prosciutto and Bruno.

" Izzy stay with him I got this" Izzy looked at me with concerned in her eyes but nodded. Few minutes later I was on the top of the train far enough Bruno won't see but to also save prosciutto. I tied the rope on the train with intense wind on my face.

"HARMONIC VIBRATO" "GOT DAMM THIS WIND GONNA RUIN MY HAIR WHAT DO YOU NEED HONEY" My stand said. " when Bruno push prosciutto off the train I want you to catch him and grab onto the rope. So he can climb up and save him," " you got it honey," she said and left.

Few minutes later I heard a grunt and see harmonic holding onto prosciutto I reached out my hand and he climbed the rope. Once I grabbed his hands I quickly pulled him you before Bucciatati turned his head and saw nothing .

Prosciutto and I were panting and exhausted and there was silence. " so it was you girls who are saving us all," prosciutto said breaking the silence. " yes my name is Rosalie and I know about the boss and so does Izzy don't worry about pesci Izzy go-"

Suddenly the train stopped and prosciutto and I hopped out of the other side the train to see Izzy and pesci. " brother your ok." Pecsi looked at me and Izzy and thank us. " I didn't know what do do if I lost my brother but how long will you guys keep this a secret if you get caught god knows what your team will do" " don't worry we'll handle it, what ever happens to us it is what it is and we'll have to live with it."

With that the brothers left and running up the hill. Izzy and I laughed and walked back but not know that Buno was on top of the train seeing everything that happened.

Bruno P.O.V
How could they betrayed me and the gang how could Izzy betrayed me. This is what they were doing all along and they played us like a fool. Damm it what am I going to do. You know what I'll wait and wait for the perfect time to let them know that they messed with the wrong gang.

Rosalie Simons and Izzy G you betrayed the gang and know you will suffer the consequences and you don't know what even hit you........



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