Big mistake

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I slowly walked up to the table and shyly smile " Hello It's nice to meet you and I hope we can all get along."

" I'm sorry Fugo," " No I am the one who should apologize," Wow no wonder why Bruno is piss about this. The audacity after I tried to introduce myself. I signed and Bruno looked at me and told me to have a seat. I grabbed the chair and sat down and they all stare at until someone pass me a cup of yellow tea. I look up and it was no other than Abbacchio, That non trusting open chest purple loving lipstick wearing bi- " Rosalie aren't you going to drink it" I look at the other gang members, Mista, Fugo, and Narancia trying their best to hold their laughter and Girono look at me with pitiful eyes. Bruno came back and and look at all of us and then at the tea and Bruno eyes widened. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" " Relax Bruno I'm offering this lovely lady a cup of tea" Cut the crap this bastard really thinks that I am going to drink his own piss OH HELL TO THE NO. I smiled at Abbacchio and said, " That's very nice of you Abbacchio but I'm allergic to tea.

I closed my eyes and crossed my arms with pride but then it hit very hard. Shit they didn't introduce me yet, ROSALIE YOU FREAKING STUPID IDIOT OK I NEED TO OPEN MY EYES TO SEE IF THEY NOTICED, OH GOD I DON'T WANT TO. I slowly opened my eyes and instantly regretted it all the gang members have very menacing and scary aura around them. " Rosalie how do you know Abbacchio's name"  SHIT THIS IS LIKE OTHER FANFIC WHEN THEY ACCIDENTALLY SAY THEIR NAME. " O-Oh yes we know each other for a long time" I look at the door from the entrance, Ok the  next person that will open the the door I will Nigerundayo the hell out of here. " Oh really how do you know him then please do tell" Mista asked hands under the table still looking at me. Crap he is going to use sex pistols on me. God if you hear me please send me a sign.

Then the door open see two couples walking in the restaurant, then with all my might I got up and ran past the couple to the open and actually literally ran for my life. " Shit she's getting away get her" narancia said. I quickly turn to the alley and kept running.  Thank the jojos I have track in middle school. " She's in the alley hurry."  ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME HOW ARE THEY FA- BAM BAM, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, CRAP THEY ARE USING THEIR STANDS. I turned and looked to see Mista using sex pistols. Crap I need to slow them down. I saw the trash can so I stopped grabbed the trash can and then......

YEET, I threw the trash can that hit Fugo on the head which made Fugo fall to the ground. " Fugo are you alright" Narancia asked " don't just stand there get her!!" They all nodded and ran after me.

"Mista stop her!!" "I'm trying Narancia, but she's so freaking fast." Just keep running!! Don't stop!! God why does this have to be me, all of my favorite characters are going to kill me all because of one freaking mistake.

But luckily I turned to another dark alley and they all pass by me. I heard their footsteps slowly disappear and I sighed and leaned against the wall. I was tired as hell and breathing really hard but I was safe, I finally start to laugh.


" all the women, who are independent throw you hands up at me all the ladies who making money throw your hands up at me all the mom-


I immediately stop dancing and singing and frozed. No this can not be happening not right now. " you have a beautiful voice signora." I slowly turn around and saw Bruno COMING OUT OF THE ZIPPER.



Bruno punched me so hard that I fell on the ground with blood coming out of my nose. The gang came and saw Bruno and me, My vision getting blurry and then finally to black hearing nothing but my breathing and my heart beat.

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