Sky falls

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Izzy P.O.V

I was running and running far away from the gang "how the hell am I going to find Squalo and Tziano where the hell are the even at Dammm it." I said still running.

3rd person P.O.V

Mean while while Izzy was finding the stand user. The gang was trying to figure out what the hell just happened, Bruno grabbed narancia by the shirt and scolded at him. "Why the hell was Izzy kissing you what the hell did you say!" " wow Narancia stealing Bruno girl after they broke up" Mista said. " no no it's not what it looks like I swear Izzy saved me" " how the fuck French kiss save your dumbass" Abbacchio said, " maybe saving him by his lips loosing its virginity" Mista said while laughing. " shut up it's not the stand user was in my mouth and went straight to Izzy the stand goes to different places by liquid and now the enemy is now on Izzy"

" where is she now" Bruno said worried, " I don't know she just ran off" " Narancia use your stand and go find her now." "Got it" Narancia said and let suddenly Narancia blushed and thought to himself " I think I fallen for you Izzy I know you saved me but why do I feel something different every time I see you"

Izzy P.O.V

I stopped running and saw two male lovers coming down the stairs, I hid beside the stairs and drew my stand. I suddenly hear footsteps walking and herd " don't worry Izzy won't find us it's impossible." " I won't be sure about that fucker" I said revealing myself to them while aiming my stand in front of them. Squalo and Tiziano look shocked and surprise " how do you find us" Squalo said while breathing heavily "that's non of your damm concern now I wondered which one of you fine Italian men should I attack first."

All of a sudden Tiziano tried to attack by running after me so I aimed at him and shot him through the throat. Tiziano cough up blood and fell, squalo ran after Tiziano and lifted his head but he was already dead. Squalo was piss and. I saw his stand coming out of my arm and bit my neck and it hurt like hell but instead of screaming I laughed " do you really think you can beat me oh no honey you are so wrong" I ran up to him and kick him in the nuts. Squalo got on his knees and grunted I kicked him in the head and he fell to the floor, I slowly walked up to him and aimed at my stand and said " I made a promise to Rosa that I will kill the boss " Then I shot squalo in the head killing him instantly. " and I am keeping that promise" I said coldly.

"IZZY!!" I turned and saw Narancia running up to me. My knee were weak son I fell to the ground, Narancia look at me shocked seeing my bloody neck. "Izzy are you ok" " I'm fine I stopped the stand users" I said weakly. "You did your amazing" I smiled and tried to get up but failed badly.

I suddenly felt myself being carried bridal style and looked up and it was Narancia. I was blushing so hard " Narancia I-" " don't say anything just relax I am going to take care of you " Narancia said while walking. I said ok and was still blushing and he carried me back to the gang with comfortable silence.

Few minutes later I was patched up and change my clothes once again because my other one was bloody

My outfit

My outfit

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My shoes

I sat by narancia and out of nowhere we were holding hands this made Bruno mad as fuck

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I sat by narancia and out of nowhere we were holding hands this made Bruno mad as fuck. But Bruno cleared his troat and we both let go of our hand and were blushing. Bruno explain our next destination and we were flying at and air plane to get there. I was excited and happy because this is when trish finds out her stand.

We arrived at the plane and I all the gang sat down in silence. Trish started to talk to see if her father ever wondered if we will arrive to Sardinia to reveal his past. " former boss" I said stealing Bruno lines the gang looked at me but I was staring at the window. " we were done ever since we saw who he really was, ever since he killed Rosalie." Everyone was silent they all miss Rosa it felt empty and quiet without her around. God it's different without her and I hate it.

"Izzy if you don't mind can you sing me a song any song would do I just need to feel better" trish said. I smiled and remember one song that rosa showed me three months ago.

The whole gang was relaxing and it was peaceful, Narancia walked up to me and held my hands. " no matter what I won't let the bastard hurt you like he did to Rosa I swear on my life" I blushed and narancia kisses my cheek then walked away. Bruno got up and walked to me and said " I need to talk to you, I was confused but I walked to him in the bathroom and closed the door.

All of a sudden Bruno hugged me tightly, " Bruno what are you doing" I said confused "do you love me" Bruno said " what" " do you love me I know I hurt you so bad and I was a bastard for hurting you but I don't want to loose you" " Bruno I don't have any feelings for you" I said looking away. " do you love Narancia" he said sadly. " look I'm not worried about any relationship right now my bestie got murdered by your boss and I am getting justice. Look Bruno I already forgave you don't worry about me. Even if I was to love Narancia suck it up you can't choose who I love I'm a grown ass woman." I said while opening the door.

Bruno grabbed my arm and said " can we at least be friends," I placed my arm and said " Bruno we already are that is why I'm still hear" Bruno smiled and we hugged. We walked back to our seat and enjoy the ride I on the other hand was planning to stop notorious B.I.G.

Alright I stopped two stand user now I can stop this bastard. We're getting close Rosa don't worry your death won't be in vain.



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