Troubleshooting Clients

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"Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” – James Baldwin

I have a rule to never have a favourite anything. My teenage years taught me that nothing stays 'favourite' for long.  I always find it amusing when people tell me they have a favourite book.

Like really? Just how possible is that? There are millions of books and out of all the ones you read, you find one that trumps over others? Then you are the real MVP in the reading world.

The same way I am with books, I am also with food and people however there are always a few unique exceptions.
Have you ever wondered why you are more closer to friends you have had arguments with? You know what makes them tick and what makes them laugh. The more interaction you have with them the more human they become to you and you know what to avoid with them.

The same thing occurs with clients, there is patient Mr O who is a dear to please until he starts boiling, there is aggressive Mrs V who always demands and a compliment is a rare feature from her. There is cool Mr J who despite it all is still empathetic sometimes I think Mr J has once worked in CS. A never ending patience. Thankfully, his issues are always minor.

I have come to learn that moods can also turn patient Mr J into Aggressive Mrs V and Boiling Mr O can become Cool Mr J. The very first time I spoke to Mrs V, I was so shocked I could not talk for 30 seconds. I was literally dumbstruck. She never shouts. Never. However, her low velvet voice does just the job of getting her point across. In a way, I think I will take loud shouting over a velvet voice.

She was nice about everything I said however she needed to speak to a supervisor. I offered my assistance telling her I believe I could help her.

"If you don't give this phone to a supervisor right now, I am going to end this call and never use your services again"

I still marvel and chuckle each time I remember it. Thankfully enough, my immediate supervisor was around and she handled it and the funny thing was that it wasn't even a CS thing. Oh well, life in the CS is full of surprises. Just be ready for anything.

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