Chapter 4

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It was snoring that woke her up. Daniel slowly opened her eyes. It took a moment for her to realize she was in a bed. She tensed. Damn she must have met up with her friend Jessie and gone bar hopping. She couldn't remember for sure but maybe she had gone back to Jessie's house and crashed on her bed because this sure didn't feel like her bed and it seemed way to big for Jessie's bed too now that she thought of it. However thinking hurt. The damn snoring hurt. She shifted and had to bite back a groan. Her right arm hurt like a bastard. In fact it took all her attention for a moment.

She raised her arm and looked at it pulling the sleeve up gently.

" The Hell...?" Daniel stared at the faintly glowing lines that branched all over her arm. A tattoo. One of those funky glow in the dark ones. Had to be. What the hell had she and Jessie done last night? Drank Sterno and hooked up with Hell's Angels?

She quickly patted herself down and sighed relieved that all her clothes were on even her belt. Her belt. Why was her utility belt on? She wouldn't go bar hopping in a utility belt. That was about as lame as you could get and even she wasn't that lame.

She looked up and her lips parted. The ceiling. The ceiling looked...well weird in a way she wasn't able to grasp. Actually shifting her eyes around everything looked kind of weird. Like she was on the set of a Lego movie or a Mine craft set. How bizarre. She might have been afraid but her headache and confusion kept her from freaking out.

The snoring caught her attention again and she carefully and slowly got herself into sitting position.

' Oh my God he's HUGE. '

Daniel gaped rudely at the man sitting in a chair. Again everything looked weird including him. He wore no shoes though she doubted he'd ever find a pair that would fit those huge feet. His legs were splayed out a paper was resting on his broad chest and his arms dangled off the chair each hand resting on the floor. They were too long to be normal hands. She couldn't see his face since it was tipped back and only his round chin and thick neck was facing her.

Daniel stumbled out of the bed. She felt weak and a bit woozy. She carefully stood up and glanced around. An idea came to her and it made her breath release in a woosh of relief. She was dreaming. She had fallen asleep fixing and updating some of the games for Mr. Litwak and now she was dreaming. Of course she was. She sighed and looked around with more interest. There was a broken mirror on the wall across from her and she walked up to it to check out her reflection.

' Cool! ' Daniel raised her hand and moved it around in front of her. She looked like Laura Croft! Well ok, not really, she didn't have the great bod and beauty that the legendary adventurer had but damn she looked good. Much better then she really did in real life. Only a few of her freckles showed up. The lines on her face were almost non existent. For some weird reason her graphic self was a bit better pixel wise then the game she was in but who was she to complain? She tried to leap up but merely stumbled. She held her hands up fingers spread wide. Nothing. She frowned and adopted a spider man move flicking her wrist. Still nothing.

' What no magic powers? I dreamed myself in a cool world with no weapons and no magic powers? God even asleep I'm a dweeb '

She took up a fighting stance baring her teeth and pointing imaginary guns to the mirror. She didn't really feel very strong. She tried for a meaner look wondering if maybe she could hulk out.

" What are you doing?"

Daniel stumbled and turned to the guy in the chair who was looking at her warily as if he wasn't sure she was mentally all there.

" Oh I'm ..I'm you know...trying to check out my magic powers."

The guy stretched and she nervously took a step back he really was big. A bit unkept looking too and in fact...very familiar...

" Oh My God!" Daniel threw her hands out in excitement then clapped them together eagerly " Oh godohmygodohmygod! I know you! You're Ralph! You're Wreck it Ralph!" She jumped up and down excited.

Ralph inched behind his chair. The lady sounded 2 shades in the wind.

" Uhhh do I know you lady?" He asked politely. Never let it be said he didn't have manners.

Daniel hurried over reached out and grabbed one of his big paws pumping it " Name's Daniel, you can call me Dani. Oh my God this is the best dream ever! When I was little I loved Fix it Felix Jr! Oh my Gosh can I meet him? Course I can this is my dream and I get to meet Felix maybe he'll represent my dad! MY dad could Fix anything!"

She looked around expectantly " Well? Where is he? "

Ralph scratched his head. The crazy lady had spoken so fast and said so many Oh My Gods he had gotten lost.

" Who?" He asked blankly.

" Fix it Felix of course! Where is he? I'm supposed to meet him!"

" Oh, so your a friend of Felix's?" Ralph eyed her. Something was NOT right about this. He was pretty sure if she was a friend of Felix he would have seen her around and he certainly wouldn't have forgotten her.

" This is my dream and I'm friends with whoever I want to be friends with." She proudly placed her hand so her hips and beamed at him.

Ralph shook his head more confused. Dream? What dream? Was she in a dream game like Little Nemo? That seemed plausible since the game had been plugged in only three days ago and no one had really seen anyone come out of that game. Apparently they were coded to just sleep all the time which Ralph thought was the most boring thing he had ever heard of and what kind of stupid game was that?

The woman was gazing up at him her face excited and he felt a slight twitch of annoyance that she apparently had her hopes set on Felix. Why did that twerp always seem to get the girls? He was married. You'd think other women games would leave him alone or risk a bullet from his gun toting bug killing wife. But was still Felix this and Felix that and oh my God he was so adorable.


He sighed reminding himself of the bad guy creed;

I am bad and that's good, I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me.

" Look umm..Dani was it? Felix is out with his wife. He'll be back before the arcade opens but listen; we REALLY need to find your game so your not caught outside of it. You don't want your game shut down do you? "

Dani gave him a blank look.

Ralph tried again " come...from?"

Dani glared at him and crossed her arms. " Look. I'm not an idiot I understood you fine, I'm just waiting for my game to appear...that's it! Oh my God! "

Ralph winced he was really beginning to hate that phrase.

" So this is an adventure dream it's my job to find my game which is probably when I'll wake up! I havn't had such an awesome dream since I was...I dunno...6? "

She grinned " Do I get any weapons? "

Ralph snorted " Lady.."

" Dani. " she corrected

" Whatever look There's no weapons here ok? I am the weapon thank you very much. I can beat the stuffing pretty much out of everyone in the arcade."

Dani looked thrilled again and Ralph braced himself. Wait for it...

" Oh my God! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! You're my partner! Wreck it Ralph is my buddy! This is so beyond cool! Let's go find some games!"

Ralph sighed his shoulders drooping a bit. He had been recruited by a mad woman to go game hopping when all he had wanted to do tonight was relax in his shack until the arcade opened.

Oh my God what else could go wrong?

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