Chapter 20

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" For the last time all I did was ask where the games codes where! I did not I repeat did NOT threaten to touch anyone's stupid code!"

Dani was galloping almost trying to keep up with Ralph's long strides.

" Felix and I warned you! Look just don't ask about the codes ok?" Ralph snapped.

Dani stopped in the middle of the gaming central causing one or two cute little kittens to nearly run into her before dodging her.

Ralph realized she wasn't at his side and quickly looked around. Spotting the top of her head he walked over to her putting on hand on his hip and motioning with the other. " Now what?"

" Ralph I don't belong here! Look I already told you I was a gamer! I need to find that surge protector guy! He said he could get me a line to the hospital I'm at. Come on Ralph walk through a door please? "

Ralph stood looking at her in bemusement. Then he shrugged and stepped foot into a doorway close by and an alarm came on the surge protector appeared. He opened his mouth but before he could begin his routine questions Dani had jumped in front of him nearly scaring the surge right out of him.

" Hey you said after the arcade closed I could use the phone!"

The surge protector frowned at her. "That wasn't me that surge protector 4621. Didn't we arrest you already for code violations?"

She glared at him " No you held me on suspicion of code violations. Look can't you just go get 46..whatever his name is? "

The surge protector brushed off his uniform briefly before replying " Contact outside the game is restricted."

Dani grabbed her head. She wanted to scream. She wanted to start swinging on somebody. She started to cry. Ok that was not what she wanted to do but she suddenly couldn't help it.

She felt large warm hands wrap around her. Ralph glared " Look she's not a game character ok? You can check right now with all the surge protectors and find out we're right. If she's not a game character she shouldn't be here right? Isn't part of your job making sure that people go where they are supposed to and not to go where they aren't allowed?"

The surge protector frowned shifting a bit. Then he disappeared and reappeared in the blink of an eye.

" You!" He pointed at Dani a bit shakily " You're that woman that got hit by lightening!"

Ralph blinked. Hit by lightening? That sounded pretty serious. He glanced down where Dani had wrapped her arms as far as she could around him and buried her face into the the bottom of his chest to water his shirt. She seemed to be drying up though.

" Uh ok then...can she use the phone line?" Ralph asked. Seeing the surge protector looking reluctant he pulled Dani away slightly so he could see her watery eyes and red nose. " Come on have a heart!"

The surge protector sighed and motioned for them to follow him. Dani clung to Ralph's hand until he simply picked her up and settled her against his hip. She would have protested such a silly pose but she suddenly felt that strange feeling again like something terrible was looming over her. She buried her face into his neck and wrapped her arms tightly around him. Surprised he slipped his large meaty arm a bit further around her. She was trembling as if she were frightened.

Remembering what she had said before he glanced around but saw nothing that looked like snow. So why the sudden unease?

" Ralph." She whispered " Hurry!"

******* Real Life*******

" My god isn't she pretty? Little sickly looking but not bad at all little brother!"

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