Chapter 30

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Dani ducked under an small ice alcove barely making it away from Turbo.

" Ohhhh I LOVE hide and seek...I'll be IT!" He simply slapped the ice and snow out of the way sending some of it raining down on Dani who cried out in fear. She reacted more out of panic of being buried then being caught by Turbo. She raced to the clearing. She skidded to stop sliding on the slippery ice as one of Turbo's talons crashed in front of her.

He caught hold of her and and held her tight against the icy wall. He drew back his other claw pressing it together to form a wicked jagged point.

" Well...looks like it's game over for you!" Turbo chuckled nastily then a glob of snow hit him in the back of the head.

" Leave her alone you big bully! " Vanellope shouted. When Turbo turned to look at her she glitched onto his hand and grabbed Dani glitching them to the floor.

" Get Ralph!" Dani said looking around for an idea, some inspirations, something. She gasped as Vanellope glitched her away just before she could get smashed flat by Turbo.

The resulting shock made a tremor go through the mountain causing Vanellope and Dani to slide around briefly. There was a cracking noise and Dani glanced up to see thousands of wicked sharp shards of ice hanging from the ceiling. She opened her mouth but Vanellope cut her off.

" Way ahead of you!" She glitched them over to Ralph who was crawling up on all fours shaking his head trying to clear it.

" Hold still damn you!" Turbo snarled curling into a ball and rolling himself swiftly over to where they were.

Vanellope grabbed Ralph's arm and glitched him up towards the ceiling. To her horror she was unable to take both Dani and Ralph. Stunned she stared down at the woman who scrambled helplessly behind a block of ice.

Luckily Turbo was more distracted by where Ralph and Vanellope went missing the fact that Dani had been left behind.

" Hit it!" Vanellope screamed at Ralph glitching back down to grab Dani and bring her to a ledge higher up.

Dani had barely got her feet under her when there was a rumbling sound. She glanced up fear freezing her as she watched part of the ceiling come crashing down on Turbo. He was pinned in half a dozen places.

" AAARRGGGH!" Turbo managed to cover his head but he was pierced straight through in other spots. " You're gonna pay for that you little bitch!"

Vanellope glitched Ralph over to Where Dani was trying to get to her feet. Her face was white with fear. Every where she looked snow and ice seemed to be closing in on her.

Turbo began pulling himself up from the places he'd been impaled sneering angrily up at them.

" Somebody needs to wash your mouth out asshole!" Vanellope called down to him. She looked frantically at Ralph " What do we do? I can't take you both at the same time and he's gonna kill my game!"

Before Ralph could answer Turbo rammed into the wall under the ledge they had been standing on. The ice and snow crumbled beneath their feet. Ralph jumped with a roar that would have done a warrior proud and brought one huge fist down onto Turbo's head. The virus staggered back his head reeling from the blow.

Before he could recover Ralph leaped up and hit him again this time under the chin causing the large creature to flip on it's back it's legs twitching in spasm.

Ralph leaped up on it's belly intending to bash it's skull in when it suddenly reared back and smacked him with on of it's outer arms. Ralph staggered up to his feet almost as soon as he hit the ground. Vanellope glitched by him and dragged him into an area further away from the cave. Dani was already waiting there. They hunkered down breathing hard. They heard Turbo get back to his feet.

" Olly olly oxen free! Come out, come out, wherever you are! "

" Kid," Ralph whispered " why can't you just glitch us both? You can move Karts bigger than Dani is!"

Vanellope shook her head " I don't know she's...heavy she's not a program of pixels she's got like... I don't know weight that we don't have."

" Wow it almost seriously sounds like your telling me I'm fat." Dani whispered glaring at them " Let's talk the schematics later what do we do about that? " She waved her hand towards the large shadow that was moving around the cave looking for them.

" Last time he was drawn to a beacon of fire and burned there any other place in ' Sugar Rush' like that hot cola springs place?" Ralph asked.

There was a loud sound of something hitting the wall and the ground under their feet trembled. Bits of ice and snow rained down briefly. For a moment Dani closed her eyes trying to get her fright under control.

" It's still there Ralph it reset with the rest of my game but it's on the other side of 'Sugar Rush' and oh my gosh!" Vanellope looked frightened " My friends are right outside! Helpless! If Turbo goes out there..."

Ralph slapped his face unable to believe how badly the timing was. He wondered if maybe he was destined to have bad luck and bring grief on everyone he cared about. He sighed roughly.

" Ok Get Dani out of here move everyone away to a safer spot and let me handle Turbo."

Somehow he wasn't surprised at Dani's response. " No I stay with you and Vanellope needs to get her friends out. I can distract Turbo while you knock him out. If we can knock him out for a while..."

Before Ralph could argue a clawed hand suddenly burst through the wall and grasped him.

" Gotcha!" Turbo called out gleefully pulling Ralph free.

Dani grabbed Vanellope before she could vanish to help Ralph. " Get out and get the others away from here! Get them ready to fight if you have to! Go now!"

Before Vanellope could argue Dani rushed out of the opening Turbo had left behind not sure what she was going to be able to do.

Vanellope stood there for a moment indecisiveness then glitched away.

Dani stepped out and then dunked as Ralph hit the wall behind her before slowly sliding down to the ground with a groan. She turned to Turbo who stood admiring his handy work for a moment. She glanced back at Ralph.

" Oh no!" Dani whispered staring at Ralph he was glitching slightly something she was sure was a bad sign. Fear and fury suddenly seemed to roar through her veins. She turned to glare at Turbo. The electricity that she had felt earlier acted like adrenaline suddenly seeming to take on a mind of it's own.

" Now you..." Turbo said reach for her. He paused as she stepped towards him frowning a little bit at the odd blue glow that was crackling off her. He dismissed it and and brought his hand down intending to smoosh her. Dani darted forward and grabbed one of his legs. The glowing pattern on her arm suddenly brightened and let loose a surge of electricity.

It felt powerful and horrible at the same time. Turbo was suddenly wrapped up in an electrical storm. He screamed as his pixels were blown apart.

Dani was screaming too. It felt like her heart was being torn from her chest. It felt like the world's worst static electricity shock. She could feel an odd feeling like someone was adding weight to her body which seemed to conduct even more of a deadly charge from her.

She felt like she was dying.

And she couldn't stop.

******************************real life**************************************

The nurse at the nurse's station popped open a soda and then opened a chart preparing to start noting vitals and medications given to her patients. Suddenly the sounds every nurse dreaded to hear happened. A steady beeping suddenly flat lined into a long ominous drone.

She hurriedly glanced up and saw that her coma patient Mrs. Mcdeal was coding. She flipped a switch and called out over head.

" Code Blue to ICU stat! Code Blue to ICU Stat!"

She leaped up grabbed the small crash cart and hurried into the room. She paused for a moment. Her patient was jerking as if she were having a seizure. A quick check showed that she had no pulse and just as she stopped seizing she also stopped breathing.

The door burst open and the crash team rushed in.

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