Chapter 28

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**Real Life**

"I'm telling you she woke up and knew my name! She looked right at me and and made perfect sense! A full sentence in fact! I don't know how she knew my name or why she went right back out..."

" Name tag."

Malloy blinked at Dr. Shane " Pardon? "

" Your name is on your name tag Dr. Malloy."

" What? Oh..well that makes sense well no it doesn't't..." He checked his tag real quick " It just says Dr. Donovan R. could she know the R stood for Ralph? No one calls me that but my family! Still even if it did she woke up and could speak and read and move!"

He literally hopped over to the patients bed and peered down at her hopefully " I'm telling you she was fully awake for about 5 minutes and I believe the medication I'm trying is the cause of that don't you think? "

" Your name is Ralph?" Dr. Shane looked amused. " Donovan Ralph Malloy? "

" I don't want to up the dosage too much though the side effects kind of worry me..."

" Not Donovan Raphael Malloy? "

" ..but if the meds did cause her to wake up however briefly I really need to..."

" Ralph is so...Bohemian."

" What do you think? "

" I just told you what I thought..."

Malloy literally growled " Not about my name you bone head about her treatment!"

Dr. Shane sighed. " Alright look I would advise not upping the dose yet. I'd say give her at least another 48 hours or so maybe she'll start waking up in longer periods."

Malloy nodded " Yes I think you're right. Excellent idea! I'll have the nurses check her more often we might get lucky."

He smiled down at the woman in the bed and gently tucked her hair behind her ear. " Mrs. Mcdeal we'll be ready next time you want to wake up and tell us something!"

" Well let's go Ralph other patients to see." Dr. Shane said cheerfully. Malloy glowered briefly at him then casually walked over. As he passed the shorter man he paused and leaned closer to Dr. Shane's ear.

" I'd rather be named Ralph then Dick." that said he sauntered off while Dr. Shane looked startled and flushed glancing at his own name tag which formally read ' Dr. Patel D. Shane '.

************Game Life*************

"What do you mean Vanellope's not here? How can she be not here when she can't leave the game?!"

Sour Bill looked worried and wrung his hands " I don't know but we've been looking since the arcade closed! She announced the roster race and then went to the castle to get a different go kart...nobodies seen her since!"

Dani frowned and glanced around. It was simple game with complex graphics but it wasn't a huge world. You could drive and drive and drive if you lived here but eventually unless you went out one of two exits you would hit the walls of the boundaries of the game.

" Where have you looked? "

Sour Bill gave her an irritated look " Where havn't we looked? The security guards are out in the candy cane forest, all the racers are out on the tracks and obstacle courses, all the subjects are covering the lollipop forest, the chocolate waterfall, the castle and the laffy taffy forest!"

Ralph looked worried " What if something happened like an accident? What if she accidentally sank in the Nesquick sand? "

Dani put her hand on his arm " Don't worry Ralph she can't die in her game she's stable enough now to regenerate on her own."

At his look and seeing Sour Bill eyeing her she grinned guiltily " I checked her code to make sure."

Ralph sighed he didn't want to waste time taking her to task for poking her nose in someone else's code when she had promised she wouldn't but that had given him piece of mind. Then he frowned. " Dani CAN she leave her game now? I never saw her try."

Dani looked startled then glanced at Bill again. " I don't know I didn't look that close but listen here...take me back let me look at her code maybe I can tell where she is or at least see where she last was."

Sour Bill started to shake his head and then spotted Ralph glaring at him. " I'll lick you and stick you on a tree if I have to I trust Dani, Vanellope trust Dani and dammit I want to know where she is!"

" Is it possible she just wanted to be alone before the race? " Danio asked. Ralph quickly shook his head.

" No way she would have left me a message!"

There was a screeching sound and suddenly two drivers pulled up. Candle head and Taffieta got out of colorful cars. Taffietta looked ready to cry and candle head was nervously tugging on her hair.

Ralph hurried up to them almost knocking them over. " Well did you guys find anything? "

Candle head shook her head. " We went all over sugar puff mountain..."

" We even found a back road that went down the mountain and then just came to a dead end which is just stupid! "

" So we went back up the main road again and double checked but there's no tracks or anything!" Candle head moaned.

Taffietta started to cry " Something horrible's happened! Vanellope wouldn't do something like this and scare everyone! "

Ralph glowered at Bill. " Let's go!" He pointed to the castle.

20 minutes later Ralph gazed blankly around...there was code everywhere and he was having an awful time staying upright.

Dani had brought them and sour bill into the code of ' Sugar Rush ' pointing out there were thousands of codes in one character and she needed more eyes to help her look faster although Ralph still wasn't sure what he was supposed to be looking for.

" The most codes used tend to be up front." Dani said tapping the square container that had Vanellope's codes inside. immediately thousands of little codes popped up. The ones that were always used that dictated her clothes hair the way she moved and other various things about her in regards to her interaction with her world that didn't change. The rest of the codes lazily swirled around each other sending out pulses waiting to be used.

Sour Bill and Dani stared hard while Ralph tried to flip himself off his back so he was hovering on his stomach bit he couldn't keep himself in that position before he began to float upside down again. The blinking lights were making his head hurt.

Dani studied the thousands of codes contained in Vanellope's structure. She had connections to everything in the game.

" What are we looking for again? Sour bill asked

The brightest boxes are codes in use...I'm hoping we can find one that's a...there! There she is! "

" Where?" Ralph asked trying to flip himself over again.

" Powder sugared mountain." Dani said grimly.

They began to pull themselves out of the code room using the ropes around their waists to pull back into the gravitation of the game.

"We searched there!" Sour Bill said annoyed.

" Me and Ralph didn't search. "

Ralph nodded untying the rope around his waist. " Damn right. Let's go."

Dani followed behind him and sour bill wondered if Ralph had seen how pale she had gotten and her hands trembled. He decided not to say anything about her fear of snow..let her back out on her own.

All that counted was Vanellope be found

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