Chapter 8

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Once inside Pac Man all of them took the pixilated look of the game. Ralph hurried to the center square that served as a meeting room for Bad Anon a therapy group for bad guys to help them cope with their lot in life.

He burst in and saw the very ghost he was looking for.

" Clyde! Sweet mother Mary I'm so glad I caught you!"

Clyde floating in one space looked confused.

" Ralph? There's no meeting yet brother and the arcade's gonna open in about 10 or 15 minutes what are you doing that Felix? "

Felix smiled nervously and waved.

Calhoun stepped up.

" Listen up flying wonder there's a woman who came running in here that doesn't belong in your game. We need to find her pronto so why don't you get your boys ready and help us look through this maze?."

Ralph was huffing catching his breath " Yea..yeah what she said."

Clyde frowned " I don't get it, did someone go turbo?"

Ralph threw his hands up " What is everyone fixated on that manic? No she's not going Turbo she's just really really lost! "

Clyde abruptly made himself blue signaling the other ghost. Pac man also followed curious as to see what was disturbing his game. Felix being friends with Pac Man explained the best he could what had happened.

" So what does she look like?" Clyde asked standing at the entrance to the room.

" Well, she's beautiful, and uh she has white hair like new fallen snow and the most incredible blue eyes you've ever seen and uh I'm pretty sure she's related to Laura Croft cause she's you know..." Ralph made an hourglass with his hands.

He realized everyone was a staring at him. For some reason smothered grins covered their faces.

" Well she does!" He said defensively.

Felix hurriedly conferred with Pac Man. They divided up the maze trying hard to make it as fast a search as possible with the opening of the arcade looming before them.

Clyde and Ralph ran off to the left splitting up to cover corners meeting again in the main hallway and then splitting up again occasionally hitting dead ends. Frustrated Ralph punched through a dead end and suddenly came face to face with the woman he was looking for.

She sat up against a wall her knees drawn up and forlorn look on her face as she stared at nothing.

" Hey HEY! I found her." He hurriedly knelt down next to her. " We gotta go now the arcade will be open any minute!"

" I don't care." Dani said softly.

Ralph huffed annoyed. He saw Felix Pac Man and Calhoun were watching him. Whelp there were times being bad guy was all you could be.

He bent over picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

" Hey! Put me down! Stop! Put me down you creep! " She pummeled him with her fist and kicked him and it barely registered since her hands were soft and so were her shoes. Calhoun looked amused but Felix looked horrified to see the woman being carried out of the game like a sack of rice.

" Ralph! Brother what are you doing man?!"

Ralph glared at him with Dani still kicking and screaming and making a spectacle out of them. Even Pac Man and the ghosts were all staring at him open mouthed.

Ralph held his large hand up ticking off points while he counted.

" One I'm getting her out of this game since she wasn't inclined to leave on her own. Two I'm going to take her to my shack and tie her up if I have to. Three tomorrow when the arcade closes I'm gonna find her game and carry her there if she refuses to go. " He grunted as she managed to knee him in the gut : ..and actually number 4..." He slapped her rump with a sharp report.

Dani's angry outburst died away into a squeak. Anger and embarrassment flushed her face. " You...You swine! How could you hit a lady? That is so low! "

Ralph jostled her and turned to finish walking down the length of the tunnel leading to the game center.

" That? That was a love tap. If you bite me, kick me, or just continue to act like a brat I'll treat you like one." He rested his hand on her bottom. Not moving it but keeping it to where she could be reminded how easily he could abuse her rump if he really wanted to.

The alarm went off and the surge protector appeared. He glanced with little interest at Ralph then did a double take.

" Uh..."

Ralph growled annoyed.

" Ralph, coming from Pac Man going to Fix it Felix Jr, no fruits vegetables and I declare I'm taking a friend of mine to her game where I'll proceed to spank her bottom and put her in time out if she throws things and just generally acts like a baby. Can I go now?"

" Uhh..." The surge protector glanced at Felix and Calhoun who tried their best to look innocent and normal. Calhoun couldn't help but to smile. The whole debacle was the funniest thing she'd seen in a while.

The surge protector walked behind Ralph to look at the woman and found that she had propped an elbow on his shoulder to rest her head on and was tapping her fingers impatiently on his back.
He frowned.

" You look like that woman..."

"Oh My God can we please go? This is embarrassing!" Dani hissed.

The surge protector shook his head then quickly screwed his face back into a dead pan look.

" Yes of course...carry on."

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