Chapter 29

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Sour Bill was speaking to the racers again. They had all scattered to Sugar mountain and come back again with nothing.

" Maybe she isn't there? " said Rancis Fluggerbutter nervously scratching his blonde hair then quickly running his hands through it to undo the damage. A quick glance in his mirror showed he looked good.

Dani shook her head. " She's there I'm positive of it."

" But we've looked all over! " Taffietta moaned. " We would have seen her or at least tracks...something! "

Ralph was staring at the mountain worriedly chewing on his lip. Suddenly he had a thought.

" Hey didn't you say you found a dead end? " He asked. A suspicion had formed in his head.

" Yea it was so stupid," Candlehead said " We followed a road that just dead ended into the mountain. I mean we almost crashed for pop tart's sake!"

" Take us there now! " Ralph jumped onto the cart next to Dani . Sour Bill waited until Candlehead was leading the way to follow her.

" What's your thought big guy? " Dani asked

" Vanellope lived in a unfinished bonus section of the game. You had to drive right into the mountain to get into it. Maybe this dead end is actually another unfinished section."

" My God that's brilliant! I'll bet your right! But wait...why would she hide? " Dani asked scratching her arm. Sometimes the glowing branches where the lightning had struck her made her feel like her hairs were standing on end. Like a bad case of static electricity.

Ralph shook his head grimly " She's not hiding. Something's wrong. I can feel it. "

" Good enough for me." Dani said sitting back.

A few moments later fury had her shouting at the top of her lungs.

" Ralph I will NOT let you go in there alone! You might need help and I'm sorry but a bunch of candy kids and Oeros are not as reliable as I am! "

" Look..." Ralph started...

" No YOU look! If you die you don't regenerate! I don't have to worry about that problem so unless you intend to tie me up I'm going in there with you or without you." She softened her voice;

" Ralph...she's my friend too."

Ralph glared at her " Look at you! You're white as a ghost shaking like a leaf and don't think I don't know the look of fear when I see it! You might be more a hindrance then help!"

Dani sucked a breath in. She had thought she had hidden her fear pretty well but when she glanced down she saw he was right. There were rings of sweat on her clothes even though her hands were cold as ice they were shaking rather badly. She looked up at the huge mountain towering over her and felt sick. She clamped down hard on the urge to scream.

Stubbornly she looked up at him " I can't just stand by and do nothing. That's what I had to do as a child. Nothing! At least let me watch your back."

Ralph roughly ran his hands through his hair. " Alright look...let me check it out and if I need help I'll send you a message."

Dani looked doubtful " How?"

Ralph held up his fist. " If I hit the ground believe me you'll feel it."

Sour Bill frowned nervously glancing around " You'll cause an avalanche! "

" Fine...fine just go! " Dani said making a shooing motion at him.

Ralph walked up to the mountain and stared for a moment at the at what seemed to be a solid wall. He leaned in and stuck his hand through it and sure enough his hand went into the mountain as if it didn't exist. He smiled grimly glad he had thought of it. With one last look behind him he stepped inside the mountain and disappeared.

Dani waited. Then she frowned at the guards. " Uh aren't you guys going with him?"

" Well he said if he needed help he give us a we'll give him a chance to scout the place out." The round donut guard said nervously. He couldn't describe it but he sensed something was very wrong within his game.

" Oh for the love of..." before anyone could stop her Dani rushed into the mountain by herself and disappeared from sight.

For a moment Dani could feel the mountain pressing on her, the snow weighing it down. She swallowed hard and reminded herself it was only powdered sugar. All the white was just graphics...really crappy graphics in her opinion. Inside there was an unfinished ice track that twisted and rolled like a roller coaster. Wicked spikes jutted from the ceiling. The whole place had a blue tint to it making her take on a blueish hue. She frowned and then glanced down relaxing slightly. Ralph foot prints showed up clearly.

She slowly began to follow them. The cavern was immense and had been tunneled almost like a maze with dead ends here and there and u turns with half finished ice tunnels. She slipped around the corner and glanced around and froze when she saw Vanellope.

The girl had been hung off a broken track wrapped in rope like a cocoon with a gag on. She had been knocked out probably to keep her from glitching her way loose. Dani felt her blood boil at the site of the goose egg the poor girl had.

" KID!"

Dani nearly died of fright when Ralph bellowed for Vanellope hurrying out of a tunnel that was opposite the tunnel she had come from. Ralph stopped hands out and for a comical moment he looked like he was trying to prevent himself from being run over by a kart.

" Kid! Kid can you hear me? Wake up! " Ralph jumped up and down a moment but Vanellope was simply too high up. He glanced around frantically and Dani decided it was now or never.

She started to step out to assist him when something large appeared in another tunnel above Vanellope. It looked like a crab fused with a humanoid figure. It was smiling with unholy glee, eyes blazing.

" Well well milk my duds! Wreck it Ralph, I knew you'd come rescue your little friend..."

Ralph stood rock still gaping. " Turbo? How is that possible I saw you burn! "

The man bug thing laughed evilly " I'm a virus Ralph I knew it would never occur to anyone that I would replicate myself someplace safe in case anything happened to me."

The figure climbed down still grinning with malevolence " Now just so there's no confusion for a numbskull like you allow me to lay it out for are going to little friend is going to die...this disgusting game is going to die...actually everyone's going to die. End of the line."

Suddenly Turbo rushed forward picked Ralph up and slung him hard against a wall. Ralph grunted and managed to get to his feet. When Turbo got close enough Ralph managed to grab him and throw him against a pile of tracks. A piece of the track actually pierced his side.

" You'll pay for that you useless excuse for a wrecking machine!" Turbo screamed pulling loose of the tracks.

While all this was happening Dani managed to climb up to where Vanellope hung still out like a light.

Turbo and Ralph came together in a bone jarring move managing to lock hands. However Turbo had extra limbs so he simple tore Ralph away from him and then picked him up and bashed him to the ground.

Dani winced and tore her gaze away from the fight shakily hauling Vannellope up from the track she was hanging from. She then dragged the girl until she was on the ledge and she untied her and took the gag out. She glanced over the ledge and a watched horrified as Turbo picked up Ralph and dragged him through an icy patch that had wicked little ice picks sticking up. Ralph cried out in pain. His shout was cut off when he was casually flung across the cavern. This time he bounced off the wall hard lay still.

" NO! " Dani screamed. She leaped and skidded down the ledge to the ground. Turbo turned to look at her surprised.

" Who on earth are you? "He asked confused " Where did you come from? "

" I'm the bitch you don't piss off and I come from the land of Whoop Ass." Dani snarled.

She rotated her shoulder. Her whole arm was burning and the blue branching pattern was glowing. Dani realized it was electricity.

Turbo laughed at her " Potty mouth potty mouth well once I rip out your tongue you won't have that problem will you?"

He lunged at her.

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