Chapter 21

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**********Real Life******************************************************

If there was super power involving a death glare Dr. Malloy surely would have had it. He was already big but when he scowled he looked more then a little scary and right at that moment he looked like he could pick up a lesser man and eat him bones and all.

Sally nervously rubbed her hands together dreading the knowledge but she had to know.

" Dr. Malloy? Please tell me...I mean she wasn't raped was she? "

Malloy shook his head his features settling into a fierce frown. " No, but not for the lack of trying I'll wager. I want her moved closer to the nurses's station and I want it done tonight!"

Sally nodded wincing knowing she was going to have to shuffle beds to give the doctor what he wanted but no way was she going to argue what had almost happened and whatever had happened was inexcusable.

" I'll go work on that now."

Dr. Malloy nodded. When she left he carefully picked up Dani's limp hand. " Mrs. Mcdeal I promise you this...those boys are not going to mess with you or anyone else on this floor when I get done with them."

He raised one of his hands up to wipe his face angrily. How could he have been so stupid? A patient who couldn't speak for themselves all alone at the end of the hall furthest from the nurse's station? Somebody should come and put their foot right up his ass, There was movement as two orderlies peered cautiously in ready to move Mrs. Mcdeal's bed to a safer room.

Malloy stood back and watched her thoughtfully. Sally had said someone had warned her. Someone who had claimed to be Mrs. Mcdeal's sister. Yet according to her colleagues and her best friend she had no family and one divorced spouse. He made a mental note to check the caller id log after he saw her safely in her new room.

*********** Game Life ****************

" You can't be serious." Ralph said askance.

" Look Ralph you've been great really, but I really would like to see other games besides Sugar Rush and Fix it Felix."

She waved at Malcolm who had taken his helmet and goggles off and threw his thick hair away from his face before waving at her his bright blue eyes twinkling. Baltore the little dragon was perched on one shoulder. Malcolm was dressed in an matching steam punk outfit complete with little gizmos on his helmet and one a metal bracelet on his arm. He even wore something that looked like a shrink ray.

A few other female characters rushed over to him excitedly fawning over his good looks, slyly touching his arm. To them he brushed aside and walked over to were Dani stood.

" Good morrow to you fair lady! And Raphael of course."

It's Ralph!" Ralph growled.

" It's a fine day in my game for a flight! Care to join me my lady? "

" I'd love to." Dani said warmly. She was hoping this guy Malcolm was more lax on the rules and could show her to the codes without freaking out. He did look like naughty boy. She couldn't help comparing him with Ralph.

Ralph had a face that could be sweetly innocent or angrily evil in one go. Malcolm was put together like a model and she had a feeling his face, while animated and handsome was a little weak in the expressive compartment probably so he could keep that handsome face through the game.

" I'll be back before the arcade opens." Dani said following Malcolm. Ralph crossed his arms angrily. He turned and kicked the floor muttering " Whatever."

After they were gone he angrily headed to Tappers.

The short train ride to the platform of Malcolms game " Flight of Fancy " was much smoother than Fix it Felix's game. His world was an eye opener. Beautiful green forest mixed in with gold and silver gears, knobs and bits of machinery where everywhere.

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