Chapter 4: Calling out

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(Normal pov)

The early morning sunlight streaming in through the rulers of Arendelle's bed-chamber windows, it slowly starts to draw Anna from the most wonderful sleep she can ever remember having in her life. She lays on her side, feeling completely rested and amazingly satisfied, an overwhelming sense of relief pervading her mind. As the fog of sleep slowly starts to roll away, she becomes aware of the warmth of Hiccup's firm, lean, and nude body pressed against her back. His arms are draped over her waist and he hugs her to him in his sleep. She smiles as she gently takes hold of his arm, then her smile blooms from ear to ear as she realizes that Elsa's hand is right next to his forearm, also touching her belly. Feeling Hiccup's slow and quiet breathing warm the back of her neck and head, Anna quickly realizes that the three of them are spooning together, with Hiccup laying between her and Elsa, all of them snuggled up close together on their right sides.

Anna knows just how blessed she is to have Hiccup and Elsa in her life, she loves them with all of her heart. And what they shared together? It wasn't a normal relationship, but Anna didn't care what everyone else thought about the three of them being in a relationship, she loved Hiccup and Elsa both. And nothing would ever change that. Their love was so... perfect, Hiccup and Elsa were perfect, it made Anna's eyes moisten with tears as unpleasant memories of the past came rushing back to her: the years she was alone and without companionship while growing up, fearing that Hiccup was dead when Arendelle was sacked five years ago, Elsa nearly dying while defending the kingdom from that... monster Hans, as well as said monster raping her in front of Elsa.

Anna whimpered at the awful memories as she nestles in all the more needily into Hiccup while squeezing her eyes shut, breathing deeply as tears start to well up. She reminds herself that Elsa and Hiccup will always love her and never shut her out, that she'll never have to fear them seeing her as a broken object that's beyond repair.

She had lived for so many years with the pain, frustration, and all of the heartache of being shut out and alone.

Haunted by the past, Anna tries to focus on the present, on Hiccup and Elsa spooning her. She thinks about last night. Her mind is flooded with detailed memories of how their family had a day of fun together, and she also remembered the love they shared in bed before having such a fun day with their family; she recalls with vivid clarity every word that was said, every touch, every smile, every loving look, every kiss, every breathy moan, and every last passionate scream as the three of them reveled in their lovemaking. It all seemed too good to be true, but as she gently caressed the hands, wrists, and arms of the two people she loves most in this world, the reality of it is undeniable and it shakes her to her core.

The nightmare is over. It's finally over. She doesn't have to be alone anymore and doesn't need to worry about being shut out.

Never again.

Though she tries to fight the emotions that swell up inside of her, the reality of it all crashes violently down upon her, and Anna feels herself quickly losing the battle. She doesn't want to wake Hiccup and Elsa, but the tide of joy and the flood of relief, coupled tightly with the vivid memories of those years of pain and suffering overwhelms her, drowning her, and soon her tears flow freely. Her body shivers with the intensity of it. She desperately hugs their arms to her, pressing herself back against Hiccup's body, needing to feel his reassuring nearness, needing the reminder that this is real, they both love her and she loves them, and that's okay. She feels him stir and reflexively tighten his arms that wrap about her waist, an action that Elsa mirrors, both of them moaning softly in their own contentment. Anna feels so wonderfully secure and happy in their shared embrace, so relieved at the end of her own personal hell, that she can't help it when a heartfelt sob slips out with her next inhale of breath, her body shivering against Hiccup. The loud sound cuts through the silence of the bedroom.

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