Chapter 15: On the move

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A/N: Alright, five chapters left! Just a little announcement, after this story I need a break and catch my breath here before I write my next story. Onwards to the next chapter!

(Normal pov— Kingdom of Arendelle)

Toothless sat on a balcony that overlooked all of Arendelle, the Night Fury was worried sick about his bonded rider and best friend, his blood boiled with rage that he was unable to prevent Hiccup from being captured by the Vikings. If they so much as touched a hair on Hiccup's head, Toothless swore that he would reduce his riders captors to ash, but not before ripping them to pieces just to make them suffer.

"Why hello there Toothless, mind if I join you?"

Valka's voice was most welcome to Toothless's ears, the Night Fury rumbled lowly and his firmy, yet gentle voice entered Valka's head.

::Of course::

Standing besides the seated Night Fury, Valka placed a hand on the dragons head and caressed his sleek black scales reassuringly. "We're going to get him back Toothless," she then nodded, "we'll get him back him back."

::This is not the first time Hiccup has been ripped from our grasp before. But this time, the Vikings want their revenge and pour out their wrath on Hiccup. We both know Hiccup is stronger than he looks, but he's been in the claws of our enemy for weeks, and there is no telling what tortures have been inflicted upon him::

"I try my best not to think about it," Valka confessed, "the thought of losing my only child makes me sick to my stomach. If he were fall—"

::He won't! I know he won't. Hiccup will find a way to save himself, he always does::

Valka smiled at Toothless and pressed her face into the side of the Night Fury's, nuzzling it in thanks for his reassurances. One of the royal bodyguards cleared their throats, announcing their presence to Valka before speaking. "Lady Valka, our spies have just now returned from the Vikings encampment," the guard then added, "Queen Anna summons you to join her and Princess Rapunzel."

"Of course," Valka said, "thank you." The guard nodded and left, Valka and Toothless left and balcony together and made their way to the throne room which held all of Arendelle's nobles, generals, commanders, and political leaders. Anna sat on her throne with both Rebecca and Gideon sitting on one of her thighs, Rapunzel stood by her side while men within the room were speaking amongst each other.

Valka approached her daughter-in-law and grandchildren, greeting them with kisses on their foreheads and then stood beside Anna as well. Looking at her mother-in-law, Anna took one of Valka's hands and squeezed it reassuringly. "We're going to get him back mother," she smiled sadly, "I miss him too." Returning Anna's affectionate hand squeeze, Valka replied. "Yes, I just hope we can assemble our combined forces in time before the Vikings kill Hiccup," the elder Haddock then laid eyes on Kristoff and his fellow spies, "ah, here they are."

The occupants in the throne room soon fell silent as Kristoff bowed his head in greetings at the royal family, he then cleared his throat and spoke. "Queen Anna, we have laid eyes on your husband, he yet lives," he reassured, "but the Vikings have tortured him most severly. By the looks of it, King Hiccup doesn't have much time left."

"Mother, is... is our father going to die?" Gideon whimpered out in fear, Anna kissed Gideon's forehead and reassured him. "Not yet my son," she then murmured in his ear, "pray for him, he'll need it." Looking back at Kristoff, Anna nodded in thanks for this information and then inquired. "Were you and your companions able to estimate how many warriors the heathens have at their disposal?"

"Tens of thousands my queen," Kristoff said in a grim tone, he then added, "the Vikings also have Dragon Hunters among their ranks, we saw them reeling in cages of dragons within their fortress." At the mention of Dragon Hunters, Valka's nostrils flared up and she then inquired. "Were you able to lay eyes on these Dragon Hunters leader?" Kristoff shook his head and spoke with regret. "Unfortunately not Lady Valka," he thne continued, "we also saw these hunters loading barrels full of arrows within the fortress as well."

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