Chapter 19: It is finished

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A/N: Alright, so yesterday was probably one of the hardest days of my life because I lost my Bank of America internship because according to my manager, she said I wasn't doing their customer service calls correctly. Not only did I lose that opportunity, but I was kicked out of the college program that helped me get this internship opportunity in the first place, yesterday was just a crappy day for me to make a long story short. I'm going to be finishing this story today so expect another chapter later on today, then I need a break to look for yet another job. Gotta love it when life throws these curveballs at you. Anyway, here's the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

(Normal pov)

The Vikings charged their enemies like an enraged bull that saw nothing but red, while oblivious to the fact that the battlefield was set with traps. The English and Frankish armies stood their ground as the Vikings drew ever closer towards their position, the very ground rumbled as tens of thousands of Vikings bore their weapons and were eager to spill blood, unfortunately for them, they sprung the first trap that awaited them. A medium-sized ditch that held sharp pikes that impaled Vikings through their torsos, mouths, or their entire bodies. When the Vikings advanced came to a stop, Count Clovis gave the signal to his Frankish soldiers to rain down arrows and ballista's down on the enemy who succeeded in further thinning the enemy's ranks. The English rulers followed Clovis's example and gave the signal for their soldiers manning their war machines to unleash hell on the Viking hordes.

Finally managing to form a shield wall to protect themselves from the barrage of arrows and ballista fire, Torsten noted that the ditch that held these pikes wasn't that far to jump, so with a sharp inhale he ran and leaped over the ditch and landed over the trap safely. Following his example, the Vikings soon began to leap over the ditch but others were shot out of the air by either arrows or ballista fire. Torsten and many of the leading Vikings ordered some of their warriors to remain back with the war machines they had confiscated from the Franks earlier and use them against their enemies. Maeve and her Dragon Hunters too remained back as well while preparing to  shoot down as many of the enemy dragons out of the sky, specifically the Night Fury that Hiccup rode.

Now that the Vikings made it over the first trap, they were unaware of the next trap that would take scores of them at a time. Buried in the snow were pressure plates that released handheld explosives, and once these explosives imploded, they'd release fire and shards of razor-sharp metal that pierced flesh and bone. While the Vikings were getting torn to pieces by these traps, Frankish and English cavalry charged the battlefield and cut down any Viking in their path. But the Vikings were able to recover from this new trap and unleashed a counter-attack by striking down the Christian horse riders and tearing them to pieces once they were ripped off their horses. Mounting one of the enemy horses, Torsten signaled to Maeve to have the Red Death reduce the Christian armies to ash.

Once the Dragon Hunters struck their hammers down on metal plates, the Red Death's pupils turned into thin slits and it unleashed a bone rattling roar as it advanced towards the combined armies of Franks and Englishman. But as the tyranny Queen of Dragons charged, the Bewilderbeast emerged and tail whipped the Red Death across the face, causing a sickening cruch to fill the air and the female Stoker dragon to crash head first into the ground. Quickly rising up from the ground, the Red Death let out an enraged snarl at the Bewilderbeast and breathed a wave of hell fire in response to attacking her. The Bewilderbeast took the wave of fire to the face and roared out in pain since the flames singed its eyes, but not to the point where they melted off, but the King of Dragons vision was now foggy. Pressing her attack, the Red Death used her club-like tail to deliver a tail whip of her own, the blow the Red Death delivered to the Bewilderbeast caused massive globs of spit and blood to fly out of the Bewilderbeast's maw. Shaking off the blow that he had just received, the Bewilderbeast let out a determined huff and released a ground shaking roar, as did the Red Death, the two mountain sized dragons soon began a clash that threatened to consume both the Christian and Viking armies.

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