Chapter 10: Outsmarted

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(Normal pov)

Heather was brought back to consciousness by having icy water splashing her body, causing the Berserker to gasp and pant heavily while giving the soldier who dumped water on her a murderous glare. The cell she in was freezing as well, causing her to chatter her teeth slightly and do her best not to die of hypothermia. The young Berserker then laid eyes on Hiccup who then dismissed his soldier, leaving the two of them alone. "I won't tell you anything," Heather said firmly, "torture me all you like, I won't tell you anything."

"I'm not going to torture you," Hiccup said in a reassuring tone, "I'm just here to talk." Arendelle's king then entered Heather's cell and was mindful not to get to close to her, even though she was chained. "I'm here to offer you a better life," he then added, "a life where you can live in peace and not worrying about dying a gruesome end on the battlefield." Heather laughed at Hiccup's words and scoffed at him. "I am Viking," she shook her head, "war is what makes us Vikings who we are! But of course you have renounced our ways and have embraced the ways of our enemy."

"I was never a Viking," Hiccup said firmly, "my father and tribe despised me, my countrymen all agreed that my father should've killed me when I was a babe, and I stood lower than dirt in the eyes of them." Shaking his head, Hiccup chuckled lightly and continued. "They still haunt me on occasion. Every Viking I've killed, even in death they mock me," his face then twisted into one of sadness and regret, "Astrid Hofferson visits me in my sleep too. I offered her a chance to give up the Viking way and I was forced to end her life on the battlefield. You don't have to be struck down by the sword Heather, live a long life and enjoy peace here in Arendelle."

Looking at Hiccup's face, Heather could see pain etched in his features, though she wondered why he would even be feeling such a thing for Vikings, the countrymen he slaughtered and betrayed.

"Think whatever you want Heather, but it pains me to slaughter my countrymen," Hiccup looked into her eyes and continued, "the Vikings were taught that Valhalla is their paradise for honoring Odin and the gods of Æsir with blood and battle. But it's all a lie! I can show you the way Heather, but only if you let me."

Inhaling sharply, Heather spat on Hiccup's leather boots and shook her head. "You're going to pay for what you did Haddock," she flashed him a sinister grin and continued, "no matter what you, you'll pay for betraying mother Norway and Odin's warriors." Sighing heavily, Hiccup ran a hand through his hair and nodded. "I take that as a 'no' to my offer," shaking his head lightly, Hiccup continued, "unfortunate, don't say I didn't warn you." With that said, Hiccup left her cell and made his way out of the dugeon, leaving Heather alone and chattering from the cold that was creeping into her bones.

"Gi meg styrke til å tåle denne rettsaken, Odin. Vær så snill, gi meg styrke."

Heather silently prayed, being captured this easily was all part of the plan. The small number of Berserkers that serve Heather came with her, and will now carry out their leaders will and apprehend Hiccup Haddock and bring him back to their encampment.

"All part of the plan," Heather murmured to herself while chuckling lightly, "I do hope you're ready for a fight Haddock."

(Hiccup's pov)

I had this... gnawing feeling in my gut that something wasn't right.

Heather's capture was far too easy for my liking.

Something isn't right.

As I quickly exit the dungeons, I lay eyes on two of my bodyguards and give them orders. "Be on your guard," I then gesture to the dungeon and outside, "something tells me that our prisoner willingly got herself captured to divert our attention somewhere else. Be ready for anything." My bodyguards bowed their heads in acknowledgement and I made my way to the throne room to speak with Duke Weselton, the English dignitary from Arendelle's neighboring duchy Weselton. I know little of Duke Weselton, all I know is that his kingdom used to be close trading partners with Arendelle until my late father-in-law, King Agnarr cut all ties with Weselton because they were accused of conspiring with Vikings.

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