Chapter 18: Lured into trap

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(Hiccup's pov)

The winter winds were cruel and crept through your skin and into my bones, snow fell at an alarming rate and a dense fog clouded my line of sight as I looked over the battlefield that Sophia had suggested we make our stand against the Vikings. We had taken the time to lay out traps to thin the enemy numbers and give us more of an advantage. I also suggested that we attack in stages, gradually wearing down the Vikings numbers until they arrive here and we surround them with our combined armies and finally be rid of them. As we speak, the Mercians are attacking the Vikings from the rear and luring them to the next Christian army that awaits them.

A shadow blocks out what sunlight there is, I look and smile at the sight of Cloudjumper and my mother who descended down next to me and greeted me. My mother's embrace was warm and it caused me to sigh happily while returning her loving embrace. "I knew you'd find your way back home," Valka murmured in my ear, "you always do my dear boy." When she broke the embrace, she kissed my forehead and we watched as the rest of my men were laying the last of the traps we had set up for the enemy while also concealing them in snow, we also had war machines ready as well. "So this is it," Valka said, "the final battle between those who embrace the Christian faith and those who embrace Odin and the Æsir."

"Yes," I say, "this will be a battle forever remembered throughout history. It will be war to prove which religion and faith will prevail, this is a battle that we will win." Valka turned to me and raised a questioning eyebrow at me. "So sure are you?" Looking to my mother, I nod in confirmation. "I am," I say firmly, "the Vikings will stop until we're all either dead or slaves, after today the Vikings will be erased from history."

"A day that is most welcome!"

Turning around, I turn around and smile at the sight of Elsa, Anna, and Sophia all in battle armor while dismounting their dragons. I share a quick embrace and kiss with my wives and embrace Sophia as well, something she wasn't expecting but she returned it. As we all looked over the battlefield, I nodded and spoke up. "You all know what to do," turning to Elsa and Sophia, I raise my eyebrows at them, "if our combined armies become overwhelmed, we'll need your powers to help us gain the advantage."

"Of course," Sophia said, "we'll be ready when you give the signal." Nodding at her words, I then turn to Anna and address her. "I don't want you in the front lines where you're more likely to be surrounded by Vikings and taken to become a whore," I then gesture to my mother, "stay close to Valka and attack the enemy from the air. You're an experienced dragon rider, I know you'll do me proud." Anna smiled and nodded at Hiccup's command, they shared a peck and Anna made her way back to Jitters and joined my mother and Cloudjumper in the air. I then turn back to the battlefield and let out a heavy sigh and murmur to myself.

"Let the final war begin,"

(Normal pov)

The clashing of steel and war cries filled the air, as Mercian swords engaged Viking swords in the thick Mercian forests. Lord Alwin and his forces were commanded by Hiccup to attack the Vikings first and thin their numbers as best as they could and then fall back to where the Franks would be waiting for them to amush the enemy. The young Mercian ruler stood proud on top of his horse and struck down many Vikings with his blood soaked sword, he knew that if he and his men were going to survive, they needed to follow Hiccup's instructions to the letter. Noticing that many of his troops were being hacked to pieces, Alwin pulled out a horn strapped to his belt and blew out, telling his men to fall back to where the Franks would be located.

As Alwin's cavalry cleared a path to run, the Mercian foot soldiers ran as fast as their legs could carry them, some of them weren't fast enough since they ended up with Viking swords in their backs, as well as tomahawks, and arrows. While the Mercians disappeared in the thick fog, the Viking leadership who broke off from the front rode to aid their brothers and sisters marching from the rear. Sleeked in Mercian blood, the Vikings leaders all had questions, Queen Freydis was the first to speak what was on everybody's mind. "Why would the Mercians attack us with just their own army? Where's Haddock and the rest of his allies?"

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