Chapter 13: Rome

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(Normal pov)

Anna had just finished writing a letter which was meant for Count Clovis and his father, Emperor Laudus, letting both Frankish royals that Hiccup was abducted by Vikings who're part of the massive army that are encamped in Wales. After the ink dried and placing the letter in an envelope, she handed it to a nearby messenger and commanded them to leave for Paris at the earliest opportunity. The red-head Haddock not only felt the crushing weight of running this kingdom by herself, but also the nauseating thought of losing Hiccup made her sick to her stomach, this same feeling was redirected towards Elsa and Sophia. Setting down the pen she was writing with and placing it back in the small cup of ink, Anna sighed heavily as she then looked outside a window that overlooked Arendelle and all its glory. This kingdom has flourished under the Haddock family's rule, and Anna feared if they lost Hiccup to the wrath of the heathens, then it would be a fatal blow from which they may never recover from.

"Anna, you're fidgeting," Rapunzel stated, "you need to take a deep breath and relax."

Turning to face her cousin, Anna sighed heavily and shook her head. "I can't help it Punzie," she placed a hand over her heart and continued, "we find ourselves living in very uncertain times were the last true great heathen army is ready to devour England and the Christian faith. And if we are to survive such a battle, we need Hiccup to stand with us, his keen mind is his greatest weapon and it's a weapon that has dispatched many of our enemies to the afterlife over the years."

"True, but if there's one thing I know about Hiccup is that he's more than capable of taking caring of himself," Rapunzel said as she approached her cousin and took her hands, "have faith, and pray that Hiccup will somehow escape from the heathens grasp and return to your arms." Anna nodded and smiled sadly. "Hiccup's absence isn't just effecting me, but also Rebecca and Gideon," she then continued, "they were with Valka when they saw Hiccup being taken. They... They keep asking me if Hiccup is going to die, and I reassure them of course Hiccup isn't going to to die. But I fear that Hiccup won't last long with the heathens, they're going to kill him slowly day by day for killing so many of their brethren over the years."

Rapunzel then wrapped her arms around Anna and hugged her, while whispering in her ear. "As I said, you need to have faith. Hiccup is smart, he'll figure out a way to slip out of the heathen encampment," Rapunzel then gently cupped Anna's cheeks and smiled at her, "why don't you go outside and get some fresh air, you need a break from being Arendelle's queen." Anna wanted to object because there was still much work to do, but Rapunzel could be very persistent and Anna didn't have the energy to argue because it was nearing early evening and a break did sound lovely.

"Come with me?" Anna asked hopefully, Rapunzel smiled and nodded at her cousin and the two relatives made their way outside to the palace garden to get some much needed air and to briefly escape the responsibilities of running a kingom.

(Elsa's pov)

Despite it's once vast power being gone for centuries, Rome is still impressive in its size and influence here in Italy. This is the capital of our faith and it stands as the ultimate prize for the heathen to take and claim as their own, if the Vikings can sack Rome and destroy all sacred texts and literature about our Lord, Christ Jesus, then our world will plundge into darkness and heathens will conquer the world.

So much is at stake.

I fight not only to protect the Christian faith, but I fight for my people, and family. Especially for my family, I will fight to my last breath to keep them safe and ensure that every vile Viking who threatens our way of life and our faith are struck down and suffer eternal damnation.

The journey to Rome took weeks, we had to sail to Frankia, and travel by carage until we finally reached the gates of the once mighty Roman Empire. Although the journey was long, tiring, and perilous, I found it comforting because it gave Sophia and I the opportunity to further our bond as sisters and share our magical powers to each other. When we had time to settle in inns, I helped train Sophia how to better control her powers and even taught her how to wield a sword and create souless pawns with her powers. I told her of the great battle that took place five years ago at Arendelle, after I killed that devil Prince Hans and how I created an ice army to help Hiccup destroy the Viking army at Arendelle's gates. Needless to say, Sophia was struck with awe and wonder, she was improving during the training sessions we had when we were able to rest, and I could tell her power of stone would be a most welcome addition to help us vanquish the Vikings.

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