Chapter 8: Infiltrator

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(Normal pov)

Heather steered Windshear in the forests a few miles away from Arendelle, as the Berserker dismounted her dragon, she removed her face veil and took out a canteen of water strapped to her belt and took a drink, rehydrating herself after a long flight. The young woman looked to see her dragon drinking water at a nearby river, while her Razorwhip replenished its thirst, the young Berserker took out a telescope and laid eyes on Arendelle, silently wondering how she should get into the kingdom and capture Haddock.

Not only was this is an important mission, but it was a personal one as well. The traitor who sits on Arendelle's throne not only killed her brother and cousin but also slew many Berserker warriors.

She was trusted with this task because she's the only one who can successfully infiltrate an enemy kingdom and apprehend its king and brought back to her superiors. Despite her expertise, this would not be a simple task, Haddock would no doubt be well protected and not be easy to access. But this was a task Heather had no intention of failing, she would find a way and deliver the traitor back to her superiors and witness him face a traitor's end.

Laying eyes on a caravan of what appeared to be traders, merchants, and foreigners who wish to do business inside of Arendelle. The sigh caused Heather to smirk. "Looks like I just found my way into Arendelle," she murmured, "better get moving then." Placing her face veil back on, Heather summoned Windshear, the Razorwhip came to her bonded rider and the two of them took to the air once more and trailed behind the band of foreigners silently. Noting how well built Arendelle's walls were, Heather knew if her fellow Vikings attempted to lay siege here, these walls would withstand their attack, and the walls were lined with archers and war machines that can kill handfuls of warriors.

"State your business within Arendelle."

Looking in front of her, Heather could see soldiers approaching these foreigners and searching their carriages, wagons, and belongings for anything suspicious. She did have her double-bladed battle ax strapped to her back and a long knife strapped to her left boot, those were the only weapons she had on her, not like she'd need much to apprehend Haddock. As the Saxon soldiers approached her and Windshear, they were curious at the sight of this woman riding such a dragon, but they regained their composure and fulfilled their duty before letting anyone through Arendelle's gates.

"What is your purpose in Arendelle?"

One of the soldiers asked, Heather then breathed deeply and exhaled slowly, calming her racing nerves and spoke. "I'm a traveler and wish to see what Arendelle has to offer," she then added, "I also seek an inn and rest, my dragon, and I have been flying for some time now." Eyeing her with suspicion, the soldier who questioned her then laid eyes on her weapons and spoke firmly. "You are Viking, your accent tells us who you are," before Heather could react, the soldier inquired further, "do you seek to inflict harm on the citizens of Arendelle? Do you seek to harm our king? We know that many of your kind seek to kill our king because he too was once a vile heathen, but he's now God's king and a king that has been most good to our fair Arendelle. So I ask you again, do you seek t inflict harm on our king?"

Yes. I am here to deliver him back to my allies and see him suffer beyond your feeble comprehension.

That's what Heather wanted to say, but then she'd end up with a spear through her chest and she would be on her way to Valhalla prematurely.

"Believe whatever you want," Heather said, "but what I told you earlier is the truth. I'm here to rest and explore Arendelle, nothing more." The soldiers surrounding Heather shared glances, silently wondering whether or not they should let her pass through the gate and into the kingdom. Releasing a sigh, the soldier questioning Heather nodded. "Very well," he then added, "but first you must surrender your weapons. Do that, and you may enter our fair kingdom." Cursing under her breath, Heather wanted to do nothing more than bury her ax into this soldier's face, but that would be most unwise.

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