Chapter 21

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I sat down on the bed, breaking down into tears. Warm tears rolled down my cheeks and I brought my head to rest in my hands, sobbing. The door creaked open and I raised my head up. Phil stood at the door, looking at me concerned. He only sat down beside me and engulfed me in a hug. We haven't hugged in so long. I turned to him, wrapping arms around him tightly and sobbing into his shoulder. 

"Meg..." He pulled away to look at me, but I just looked away. "Hey, Meg... Sis, look at me." I finally looked over at him, tears still rolling slowly down my cheeks. "Stop crying, okay. Stop crying," I nodded and sniffled, bringing my hand up to wipe my eyes. "Just listen to me, okay?" I nodded again, hesitantly  this time. "Dan told me everything... I know that you didn't want to do it. I know you're hurt just as much as he is. Maybe even more, but I just want you to know that you will figure everything out. It will get better, okay?" Phil spoke. I nodded and looked down, more tears slipping out. He lifted my head up, "Now dry those tears and get to sleep. I would say we could watch movies like we always do in times like this, but it's pretty late." He told me. "No reason to break the tradition," I mumbled and grabbed my laptop, opening it up. He laughed, "I'll be right back with a giant bowl of popcorn."


I walked into the kitchen. Dan stood in the kitchen, making a bowl of cereal. "Hey, Meg," He greeted. I only nodded upwards as a greeting. "So, uh-" Dan started. "Don't you dare be trying to get me to take you back by say something along the lines of 'I'll make sure nothing goes wrong' because you can't do that," I snapped. Dan's face fell. He sighed, "Megan, just listen." I shook my head, "There's nothing to listen to. We both need this break. Why can't you admit that to yourself?" I asked. Dan bit his lip, "Because I don't want to face that I've lost you.."

**Oh my god, what am I even doing with this story? Okay, 3k reads on Save Me From Myself and 2k reads on this... Oh my god, thank you! Thank you all for reading! I appreciate it so much!**

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