Chapter Three

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The sun burned into my eyes the next morning, causing me to groan and attempt to roll over

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The sun burned into my eyes the next morning, causing me to groan and attempt to roll over. Arms wrapped around my waist wouldn't let me though. I opened one eye to be greeted by JJ's sleeping face.

A small smile made it's way onto my face, and I reached up to gently swipe a piece of hair away from his closed eyes. He groaned and pulled me in closer to his chest. My smile grew bigger, and I closed my eyes, enjoying this moment knowing it will be gone later.

And by later I meant two second later.

"Yo, either of you been outside?"

I groaned at my brother's voice, JJ following suit but going the extra mile.

"I have polio, bro. I can't walk."

That pulled a chuckle out of me.

I gently untangled myself from him, watching the childish pout take over his features as he cracked open an eye to watch me get up.

I turned my back to him and raised my arms over my head, doing a quick stretch before following my brother outside.

"Oof, that's not pretty."

My eyes took in the destruction of the back yard. Branches were everywhere, over the dock, inside the HMS Pogue, everywhere. A tree sat uprooted just in front of the porch. Thank God it fell away from the house, or JJ and I might have been crushed.

A hand on my back caused me to jump slightly.

"Agatha did some work, huh?"

JJ rubbed a few circles into the small of my back before leaning on the rail of the stairs next to me. He took a swig of a RedBull before moving down to help John B clear out the HMS Pogue.

"She sure did," my brother responded.

I sighed, following after my blond best friend, and helped them lift out the fallen branches.

"What you thinkin'? JJ asked as John B gets into the boat to keep clearing.

"I'm thinkin' that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crab."

JJ leaned on the trailer for the boat, squinting at my brother in the morning light.

"What about the DCS? Wasn't that today?"

I scoffed.

"They're not gonna get on a ferry, not today."

"Come on, think about it." John B added, "it's God tellin' us to fish."

The three of us finished clearing out the HMS Pogue and got her back into the water. We all went back inside to change. I put on my black swimsuit with a pair of high waisted shorts and an AC/DC crop top over it and met the boys back on the dock.

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