Chapter Thirty-Seven

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In the morning, Pope came rushing into my room, announcing John B had a plan for the gold bars I had brought up the night before

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In the morning, Pope came rushing into my room, announcing John B had a plan for the gold bars I had brought up the night before.

JJ groaned next to me, pulling me tighter into his side as Pope left the room.

"Is it just me, or does it feel like we just fell asleep?"

I hummed in agreement, feeling like I needed ten RedBulls just to get myself out of bed.

"Let's go!"

We both groaned at Pope's shout of encouragement and crawled out of bed.

I narrowed my eyes at the brightness of the sun, guessing it to be late morning. JJ, like a true gentleman, raced me to the bathroom and stole it. When he was finished, I quickly brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my hair and took a second to poke at the patches of purple patches under my eyes.

This is as good as it's gonna get today.

I left the bathroom with a sigh, surprised that JJ was waiting for me. He spared a glance towards the living room before grabbing my waist and pulling me into him and pressing his lips against mine.

I couldn't help but smile into the kiss as my hands found their way into his hair.

"Mornin'," he mumbled.


We quickly pulled away from each other as I heard Pope yell that Kiara was here. I shouted that I was coming before giving JJ a disappointed look.

"At least I waited for the both of us to brush our teeth."

I laughed, running a hand over my face.

"You're an idiot."

"Yeah," he said, closing the space between us again. "But, I'm your idiot."

He placed a quick kiss against my cheek before making his way outside to join our friends. I took a second to wipe the childish grin off my face before following after him.

John B and Sarah had just pulled up in the van when I walked off the porch.

"Sup, bro?"

John B nodded his greeting, and I returned the friendly smile that Sarah was giving me.

"Hey, Jo, does this look about right?"

I took the piece of paper that Pope had run to give me, and I try not to laugh at the kiddish drawing that was on it.

"Uh, yeah. That's pretty spot on."

I handed it off to Sarah as she made her way to Kiara and walked over to where John B was working on the pulley, following Pope.

Pope stopped working and stared off towards the van, and I didn't miss the goofy smile on his face.

"Hey, uh, you wanna help?"

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