Chapter Twenty

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I had a hard time falling asleep after everything

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I had a hard time falling asleep after everything. Thinking about JJ's homelife, JJ being all touchy feely, slow dancing with JJ, JJ calling me sweetheart all day. My mind was buzzing two hundred miles per hour and all centered on JJ. So, to say I was grumpy when no other than the blond himself came in to wake me up the next morning was a major understatement.

I begrudgingly changed into a swimsuit and met everyone at the dock.

"She lives!"

I flipped off my brother as Pope started to tell me about the drone thing.

JJ and Pope lowered it into the water, and I watched Pope test all the controls.

"Now, I need someone to test the camera."

JJ turned to me and smirked.

"You stay away from me," I warned, backing away from the blond who was grinning ear to ear.

"JJ, I swear to Go-" I cut myself off with a scream as JJ threw me over his shoulder and straight into the water.

The water was super cold in the morning, and it immediately woke me up. I kicked towards the surface and sputtered out some water that got in my mouth.

"I hate you."

"You look much more awake now," he said, smiling down at me from the ladder.

"I'm going to murder you in your sleep."

"Aw, you don't mean that, baby."

I glared at him to keep the blush off my face, and John B vaulted over the rail and landed with a splash.

"Pope needs us to test the camera," he said before diving under the water.

"Diver down," I saluted before diving down under the water.

John B found the drone and began brushing his teeth with his finger. I swam up to it, smiled as pretty as I could underwater, and forced my face into a frown before flipping off JJ and Pope, who I knew were watching. I kicked up to the surface and smiled fakely at JJ as he walked towards the rail.

"What would we do without you to control the drones?" I heard JJ ask as I climbed up the ladder.

"Technically, it's not a drone. It's an ROV."

"Shut up."

"Yeah, Pope it's too early for that," I said pulling myself out of the water, ducking under the rail to join the two on the dock.

I felt JJ's eyes on me but decided to ignore it.

"Hey, once we get footage of the wreck, we'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim."

"It's such bullshit. Why do we have to do that?"

I stand next to JJ, leaning on the rail to let the morning sun begin to dry me off.

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