Chapter Thirty-Four

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The next day, we put my plan into place

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The next day, we put my plan into place.

Pope and I were on our way to go get Kiara.

"Do you really think that your plan will work?"

I shrugged from the helm of the HMS Pogue.

"I have a strong inkling."

"How strong?"

"Like the smell of JJ's cousin's cripple strong."

Pope laughed from next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder as I steered us up to the dock.

"You better get her to come or the rest of my plan won't work!" I yelled after Pope as he jogged away.

I didn't have to wait long before Pope returned with an annoyed Kiara.

"What the hell is going on?"

I smiled as my friend climbed on the boat.

"It's a code red, dude. JJ and John B conked out in the marsh. They need a tow."

"Uh, okay. Well, what does that have to do with me?"

I gave her a pointed look.

"We need you for mechanical."

She rolled her eyes as I pulled away from the dock.

"John B and JJ are up in the Alp," Pope said as I navigated through the marsh.

"Can't you guys do anything without me?" Kiara asked as we pulled up next to Heyward's boat we were borrowing.

I told Pope to take over, and Kiara and I jumped onto the second boat.

I led the way into the cabin, faking a look of concern as I squatted down next to JJ.

"What happened?"

JJ and John B both look up at Kiara as she stepped in behind me.

"Uh, the alternator's, uh, not alternating anymore," JJ quickly lied.

"It's not charged," John B added.

"Did you check the plugs?"

I stood up, and the boys followed.

"No, you should check 'em," JJ said, all but pushing me out of the way.

"You guys are useless."

JJ grabbed my hand, said a half-assed apology, and pulled me into a run out of the cabin.

"Uh, is this a joke? There are no plugs, like, at all!"

I threw my shirt off and jumped off the bow of the boat, hearing John B call out a 'Sayonara' before going under water.

I swam behind JJ towards where Pope moved the Pogue to, laughing as I heard Kiara yelling at us. I grabbed JJ's outstretched hand, waving at Sarah who was suddenly screaming next to Kiara.

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