Chapter Twenty-Six

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I tried to keep the tears back as I ran down the sidewalk to the sheriff's station, the shirt I borrowed from JJ the night before sticking to my back as I began to sweat in the afternoon heat

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I tried to keep the tears back as I ran down the sidewalk to the sheriff's station, the shirt I borrowed from JJ the night before sticking to my back as I began to sweat in the afternoon heat.

I had to get there before they called his dad. I didn't even want to think about how bad that could be if his dad showed up.

I knew there was a chance that I'd show up and Deputy Thomas would grab and and ship me off to the mainland for foster care. But, that didn't matter to me in that moment.

I busted into the station, glaring at the elderly lady running the front desk. Her eyes went wide as I approached her.

"I'm here to see JJ Maybank."

The lady rolled her eyes.

"Peterkin said you'd show up."

I slammed my hand on the counter.

"I don't give a shit what she said. I want to see him."

"She also said to tell you that you couldn't see him."

I groaned in frustration.

"She also said to warn you that if Deputy Thomas saw you, he'd take you into custody."

I glared at the woman as she reached for the walkie next to her.

"You wouldn't dare."

She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Get out of this station, and I'll forget that you ever graced me with your presence today, Routledge."

I returned the lady's narrowed glare with a harsher one of my own before leaning down to the counter.

"If anything happens to him, don't be surprised if I come in here raising hell."

I marched out of the station, making sure to slam the door loud enough for everyone to hear. Then, I sat down on the front steps, bouncing my leg up and down for half an hour before I hear the door open again.

"I wonder what restitution's gonna be on a two-thousand nineteen Malibu."

I jumped to my feet as JJ and his dad passed me.


They both turned around at the bottom of the stairs. JJ's eyes were wide in surprise while his father's narrowed.

"Who's this?"

JJ ignored his father as I walked up to him.

"You don't have to go with him."

My words were rushed and quiet.

"What are you doing here?"

"Please, don't go with him."

My voice cracked as my fear for JJ took over. I placed my hands on his face.

"Just come with me back to the Chateau, or we can go to Kie's. We can go anywhere, but please just don't go with him."

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